When you long for blue October skies, bright autumn colors, and majestic mountains, head for Oregon (we just did). When you need a dose of healthy laughter, come to the Higgs house for dinner.
Everybody wanted homemade lasagna. My cooking skills are limited, but I can usually manage to layer pasta, ricotta cheese, and tomato sauce in a baking dish without mishap.
However, I’d never made two dishes at once — one for the meat lovers and one for the vegetarians in the family. When I reached for some wax paper so I could lay out the freshly cooked pasta to cool, I found to my dismay that the box was empty.
“Just leave the pasta in the hot water,” my son suggested. “Maybe add a little oil to keep it from sticking together.”
The first dish came together easily enough. But when I started on the second, the slippery, overcooked pasta came out of the water, not in long, ruffled strips, but in oddly shaped hunks. By the time I finished, my veggie lasagna looked like something a five-year-old would make with modeling clay.
Did I burst into tears? I did not. I burst out laughing.
Soon I was laughing so hard I had to sit down. My family, who’d wandered off, came back into the kitchen. “Mom? Are you all right?”
I was howling by this point, tears streaming down my face. When they saw the lasagna, they understood. Sort of.
All I know is, I hadn’t carried on like that in weeks. Months. And this verse from Proverbs is the absolute truth.
A cheerful heart is good medicine,… Proverbs 17:22
Like an invisible vitamin, cheerfulness “works healing” (AMPC) in your body until at last “you feel good” (CEV). The “curative balm” (VOICE) that happiness provides isn’t your imagination working overtime. It’s the Lord working full-time. It’s the Great Physician providing gehah — in Hebrew, “a healing, a cure.”
The physical benefits of being joyful are countless. Your blood pressure goes down, your ability to fight infection goes up, and the face you present to the world has fewer frown lines.
Alas, what happens when we lose our joy is another story.
…but a crushed spirit… Proverbs 17:22
Can you feel the weight of it pressing on your heart? When our spirits are crushed, our eyes give us away. Even if we’re smiling, people can see the pain and sadness inside. There’s a lack of sparkle, a dullness in our gaze. Despite our best efforts, “sorrow” (ERV) can’t be hidden, and a “broken spirit” (ASV) can’t be easily mended with a word or two.
“Lighten up!” people tell us. “Snap out of it!” These are not helpful comments for someone with “a downcast spirit” (LEB). For those who feel “gloomy all the time” (GNT), it takes more than a funny story, a humorous cartoon, or a clever one-liner to bring back the joy.
…dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
In Hebrew yabesh means “withered.” A perfect description for how depression makes you feel. It’s “a disease” (ERV) that “dries you up” (NIrV), that “drains your strength” (EXB) until “you hurt all over” (CEV) and are left “bone-tired” (MSG).
Depression is one of the Enemy’s favorite weapons. The debilitation is physical, mental, emotional, biological, spiritual, chemical, and very real.
Is there any hope? Absolutely. If you or someone you love suffers from depression, you are not alone. Your loving Savior can help you take back your life. He may use counselors or physicians or medicines to do so, but you can be sure the healing comes from Him.
A few Aprils ago I was diagnosed with clinical depression. Your ever-joyful Lizzie, who has loved Jesus for more than three decades? Yes. Why mention it here? Because I care about you, dear sister. And if my admission gives you the courage to seek professional advice, then praise God.
Please don’t let the fear of “What will people think?” keep you from getting the help you need. When our minds and bodies are no longer fighting against us, then joy has a chance to settle into our bones and begin the healing process.
True joy is knowing God and being known by Him. True joy is surrendering to His will and letting Him use any means He chooses to rescue us from darkness and bring us into the light.
He has rescued me. He has rescued many.
Our Jesus, knowing the cross waited for Him, assured His followers, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11). That’s my prayer for you, beloved: complete joy and freedom in Christ. Even when times are hard, keep a tight grip on this truth: “He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy” (Job 8:21).
This month’s post is excerpted from Chapter 18 of 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path. On October 25, I chose five readers to receive autographed copies. Congrats to Laura from Kentucky, Karen from Michigan, Arleen from Oklahoma, Melinda from Washington, and Sherry from Virginia!
If you missed our October 1st Facebook LIVE, watch it here for a fast, fun look at some Proverbs we all love.
Honored to encourage you, this month and every month.
Your sister, Liz
P.S. We have seven more events this November on our Endless Hope Tour presented by Prison Fellowship International. I’d love to see you in Mishawaka IN; Greencastle IN; Fargo ND; Williston ND; Louisville KY; Haskell OK; or Oklahoma City OK. Laughter, worship, wisdom from God’s Word, and yes, endless hope! Join us?
Proverbs 3:5-6. I think it is taking me a lifetime of learning to NOT lean on my own understanding. When when I am able to lean on His, my paths do become straighter.
Went the a drain of losing my mother and love in within 14 months of each other so I felt I lost my support system but in that season have come to be dependent on God. Proverbs 18 14
Proverbs 10:12b Love covers all sins.
It just does! I want to extend this love and to receive this love and to promote this love!
Proverbs 3:5, 6. Reminds me that He wants my complete and total trust, absolute surrender to Him. I don’t need to understand everything; He is Sovereign and in control of it all. He is in all the details. For the Lord to direct my days I must acknowledge Him in everything. So much in just two verses. God’s Word is alive and active today.
My theme verse for this year has been “She opens her mouth in wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue “Proverbs 31:26 Wisdom, according to Vines, is the mastery of the art of living according to God’s expectations. This art part is the process of applying God’s right way of doing things to every situation in my life. How I have prayed for this wisdom this year and that it would be evidenced in what came out of my mouth!
I seem to be a natural “Eyeore”. I have and will struggle. But I have learned, and am learning, to trust God. He has not failed me!
Prov. 31:10
The law of kindness
We all need to learn “Just be kind”
That will help to bring more love in the world .
i need to try more of this.heard a beautiful sermon when youre going thru trials count them as blessing.it suppose to make us stronger.
Proverbs 3:5-6. It is so easy to say God I trust you but it is quite another to actually trust when He says I know this doesn’t make sense to you but trust Me anyway.
Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine. A friend under the care of hospice; another dealing with depression and I read your post this morning —there are no coincidences. God is so good to remind me to focus on the “now” and look for the joy which is so often found in laughter and fun. Thank you for allowing God to use you and in turn pass on to others.
Hi, Liz! Thanks for this post. My verse would be Prov. 3:5-6. I can just picture this scene in your kitchen. This really made me smile. I need to laugh at myself more, especially in my kitchen. My grand daughter who lives with us during college semesters would shout “Amen!”. She says I worry too much and over think things. I do tend to be too hard on myself but God keeps working on me to lighten up and trust him for “gehah”. Next year my word for the year 2019 will be Joy. Verse not sure yet. Thanks again, Liz! Praying for you as you travel and speak. No where near me yet but if you ever are I’m coming, Sister!
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1. ESV
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I am in a place where I really need to submit to Him in all ways at all times and in all things – that in all things has been what seems to be the lesson I have to keep trying to learn. But maybe it is the “in all ways” – maybe I don’t have a complete understanding of what that means.
I like Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.” “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”. These verses are special to me because when I trust God with all my heart and let Him lead, He will lead me down the paths I am to go even though at times I don’t understand or do not like the path that He is having me go down at the time.
What a powerful message. Thank you for being so open and sharing your experience with depression. I too have been there and so appreciate you and your ministry.
A cheerful heart is good medicine,… Proverbs 17:22
I almost didn’t read to the bottom — I loved this verse so much —
Yesterday I turned double nickels! Next week I am celebrating 20 years married — I have an 18 yr old daughter and soon to be 15yr old son — LOTS happens in this beautiful and wonderful fall time of year — Love the photos in the post! But recently — through challenges with work or menopause or my weight or money struggles — I’m down in the dumps…. Thank you for sharing these thoughts —I’m starting my journaling AGAIN with this Proverb at the top. Today is a new day — Alleigh– Praise God from whom all blessings come…and they do come! Abby A — Lombard, IL
The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9. ESV
WOW! How to make a choice of just ONE meaningful Proverb…here is one of my favorites: “When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you, to deliver you from the way of evil, From the man who speaks perverse things.” 2:10-12
Thank you Liz for a chance to win one of your AH-mazing books!
Blessed October to YOUUUUUUUU!
Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger.
Always looking for a way to give a soft answer. It is so much easier to give grievous words.
Love all the Proverbs. Thanks for sharing!
Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
My husband and I cling to this verse. Why? We have a prodigal son, 13 years now. We continue to pray and wait.
Thank you for always sharing encouragement and joy! You are a blessing!
There are so many Proverbs that I love. I certainly love all the ones you shared on laughter and joy — so needed today! I also love all the beautiful fall pictures — my favorite time of year. Your thoughts on depression were meaningful and needed as well. There are days (like today) when I cry and feel such sadness — and I can’t even explain why.
Thank you for sharing your heart! Your smile and joy are contagious!
Proverbs 3:5-6 always comes to mind as a favorite.
Thank you for sharing this post full of encouragement and beautiful photos of the work of God’s hands.
Looking forward to seeing you in Oklahoma City, OK next month! We have our tickets for Endless Hope. It will be a blessing!
Hi Liz, our Bible book study at Auburn First United Methodist church, in Auburn, WA has been using you books for years. We are currently studying “Embrace Grace”. We love your style of writing, your messages, and your humor!
Proverbs 26:11
As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
How I wish more people would take this verse to heart! Lay down old destructive habits and be cleansed!
“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30
It has been my struggle for the past few years to turn my heart fully to God, to be satisfied in Him alone. I am a single woman, have never dated, and often get looked down upon for this. I wanted to be loved, cherished, and held by a man, but all I needed to do was turn to God. I kept listening to the world and its pull, kept letting my heart be filled with this earthly longing for a man to fulfill me. Yet I know fully now, and am continuing to let God work in me, to grow close to Him, to be satisfied and filled by Him. God is all I need in life. If he blesses me with a man, amazing! Yet, if this isn’t meant to be, I am learning and becoming more at peace with the thought of being with God, and not alone.
Liz, I take comfort in this truth,found in Prob. 21:30, “There is no wisdom,no insight ,no plan that can succeed against the Lord.” He cares about the details of our lives ! We can trust His heart.
Proverbs 18:24
Some friends play at friendship
but a true friend sticks closer that one’s nearest kin.
Thank you for sharing your life with us Liz. It is always a blessing to read your devotions – so real and so true to life. God Bless You and your family.
Oh how i wish I could make my daughter see this.She has suffered depression for years on and off. Sometimes she listens and gets help other times she thinks sucide is her answer. So many times I have cried , I keep telling her Jesus is the answer. I keep praying God will put someone in her life to lead her back to jesus. Thank you for listening to a mothers heart.
This is definitely an email straight from the heart of Jesus to me this morning. I’m recovering from rotator cuff surgery and just now into my 2nd week of being in the sling contraption. (It has so much velcro I could start a business)! LOL Between pushing through pain and giving up and taking the pain meds my heart is heavy. The enemy tells me I am losing my friends (not true) and my servant heart wants to do for others not have people doing for me.
Joy can be hard to find – but I smile when I remember the hilarity of ironing my husband’s shirt this morning – ONE HANDED!!! It was funny but also good for me to do. I am going to spend these weeks drawing closer to Jesus. Thank you for reminding me that the joy of the Lord is my strength.
Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. I am releasing all my anxious thoughts to the One who loves me. (Chapter 10 One Minute, One Step)
Hint: You can use plastic hangars to dry your freshly made pasta. They work great!
Love you friend!
Typed all of this one handed! Hooray!
Proverbs 18: 24 – A man who has friends must himself be friendly. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. That is one of my favorite verses in Proverbs.
Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
I came upon this verse in preparation for our small group this week: Proverbs 20:5 – “The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.” (ESV) Oh, how our words are important – to bring understanding, and to gently draw that out in others!
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall [b]direct your paths.”
When I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer earlier this year and going through treatments, I felt God reminding me to trust Him. I had a real peace through it all just saying “I trust you God – to bring me through, no matter what!” God is faithful!!
Liz, you were also an inspiration to me, reading your posts as you went through your treatments. Thank you for being such a blessing!
This is so good and important to remember on a daily basis!
I am going anxiety and depression right now. November is a terrible month for me. My son birthday is November 6 th and the date do his death is November 23rd. Jeff was 22 and a youth pastor when he and his fiancée died in an accident in 2001. My depression starts the beginning of October, last until middle of January. I am on medication, I have a strong faith in God. Over the years I have learned to accept this is me how how much I miss my son. I pray several times a day and I seek shelter in Gods loving arms. Thank you for listening to me.
Proverbs 17:3 “The crucible for silver and the furnace for good but the Lord tests the heart”. Heat removes impurities from metals. God uses tough times to remove the things that hinder my trust in Him. He uses those times to refine my faith and purify my heart.
Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” NIV
How I daily need to turn to HIS plans, they are so much better than mine!
I love the book of Proverbs. I have tried my best to be a proverbs 31 woman. So this would be my chapter/verse.
Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise. Many women have done wonderful things, but you’ve outclassed them all. Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the women who lives in the Fear-of-God. Give her every thing she deserves. Festoon her life with praises.
Proverbs 4:23 – Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Guard your heart! Guard your heart!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Prov. 21:2 really hit me … “The Lord weighs the heart.” I think I mean well, but what is really my heart attitude??? This makes me stop and think… and sometimes change my ways!
Proverbs 17:24 – “Kind words are like honey — enjoyable and healthful.” Oh, how we need kind words in our world!
Proverbs 22:17 Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge.
I love this verse, it reminds me to read and apply the Word to my life.
The Proverbs I love are all the ones that begin “my son…..” because I have an adult son I dearly love….and pray for……and I use scripture promises when I pray for him…..I know that what I ask for is the Lord’s will when I see it outlined in scripture!!
Thanks for your honest and humor, Liz.
Rx: “If you seek it [wisdom] like hidden treasure [Psa. 119:11], then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding [the trio of Proverbs]. ~ Proverbs 2:4-6
Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. (NLT)
This is a verse that I memorized as a child and the Holy Spirit brings that verse to my mind often. God has always been faithful in showing me which way to go. I cannot report that I have always followed His guidance in obedience, which is to my shame. One of the many things that is so wonderful about our Savior is that when we bow in humble submission and repent, He removes our sins “as far as the east is from the west,” and does not hold them against us any longer. I am so thankful today for a patient, forgiving and gracious God who is completely trustworthy. All of His promises are true and He makes sure that all the “i’s are dotted and all the “t’s are crossed. A God of love, order and detail, He is…and so much more!
Oh sweet sister, thank you for sharing your heart. I too have had depressive thoughts and symptoms. Proverbs 5 has ministered to me…Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not RELY ON YOUR OWN INSIGHT. Caps are my remember me Pat. This lesson will come again.
Proverbs 3:5-6……My LIFE verse for over 60 years.
Thanks for your honesty and the lovely pictures with your post as well. I love your books. One of my favorite Proverbs is 18:10 – The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. (NKJV)
Hi Liz,
Proverbs is one of my favorite daily readings (a chapter per day). And like you I’m a naturally joyful person. I love Joy. My tombstone should read “She lived, She laughed, She Left.”
Lately though I’ve found myself down hearted for no apparent reason. I’m healthy and blessed but I want to laugh hilariously again.
Maybe I’ll look up your lasagna recipe.
I am always blessed when I read your messages. Thank You
Proverbs 17:22 is perfect. I have felt like my joy had been deflated and after admitting this to a class I teach, I decided to focus on getting it back. So I am taking pictures of everything I see with the word joy – in homes, church and even on billboards! And now as I sit at Disneyworld, the “happiest” place on Earth, I know that pure joy is not being happy but rather being His!
Liz, I just read this today from NLT, Proverbs 25:20.
“Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart is like taking someone’s coat in cold weather or pouring vinegar in a wound.”
Proverbs 17:22 Instead of worrying about everything that we cannot control I leave it in God’s hand. Death of love ones, sickness, etc., we cannot control these events only God can. There is always laughter and it makes the heart merry and happy. I love getting together with others who share laughter with me. I always try to stay positive when it seems nothing is going right and share that with others. When you smile at someone and say hello you never know if that is what that person needed at the time. A cheerful heart will be passed on to others.
I love Proverb 13:21 – “Misfortune pursues the sinner, but prosperity is the reward of the righteous.” Oh my! Are we talking about Karma? I believe so. If you have been the victim of injustice by another person, forgive them! Holding a grudge can only give them power over you! They will be dealt with by God himself. Who knows how, when or where. Rest assured that God has you in the palm of his hand and will not tolerate any harm to come to you that will not be addressed at some time.
That’s got to be Trillium Lake! What beautiful reflections–the words and the water! He restores our souls.
Liz, when I was growing up on a farm, I had to have an autograph book. My dad wrote in it “A merry heart doth good like a medicine”….that has stuck with me thru the years.
Recently, I was watching on facebook a runaway goat…he was butting just about everyone who dared to cross its path…like you, I got to laughing so hard that my granddaughter joined me and my daughter in law wondered if I was ok…I love to laugh!
Keep sending His Joy!
Trusting in Him,
Jo Jensen
Grace and Peace, sweet Liz. One of my favorite Proverbs is 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Thank you for sharing your lasagna experience.
I really like Proverbs 31:10-31 because it is how each of us, as women, should try to live.
I like lots of verses in Proverbs. One of them is Proverbs 17:1,”Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.”(NIV)The contrast clearly shows how important good relationships are!
Proverbs 3:5-6 is so very important to me. I have a graduate degree and thought I should have all the answers. The older I get the less I feel I know. God knows me better than anyone else, and His word says He has plans for me to prosper so I must lean on HIM and let him direct my path.
I like so many of the proverbs, but Proverbs 1:7 is especially important as I was a teacher for 40 years, and still am. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
I wonder how this wisdom could shape our political atmosphere. In this technological age, wisdom is more important than ever, and truth needs to follow wisdom. I thank God that I can trust Him with my most intimate thoughts. Keep up the great work, Liz! Love, Peace, and Joy!
Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 — Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
We all get lost at times, but if we hold tightly to His mighty hand He will direct us in the way we should go. He will never misguide us, leave us, or forsake us. We must trust Him and not ourselves or our friends or even our family. He is the only one who will not deceive us.
You are such a blessing. I just told my husband, “I just love Liz Curtis Higgs. She is such a special person.”Praying for your healing.
My favorite verse out of Proverbs is: Proverbs 3:5-6.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
This verse has really carried me through some very difficult times in my life. Besides running to the Lord and cling onto this verse.
Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
What a different world we would live in if everyone applied this scripture.
It breaks my heart to see all of the division that occurs because of remarks on social media alone. I am on the weight watchers FB page and it amazes me how someone posting a recipe will be bombarded with criticism because they used a product that someone else doesn’t approve of, or they may have miscalculated by a point etc.
It’s someone sharing a recipe!!! Say “thank you” and move on.
The proverb I think I’ve held to the most in my life , Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. This helps me when I just don’t know what to do. Just look to Him. Trust him. He will work it out for my good and His Glory!
One of my favorite verses from Proverbs is 4:23~Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs is FULL of wonderful verses that speak to me. One of them is :
Proverbs 4:23. “Keep thy Heart with all diligence; for out of it, are the issues of life”.
This is a great reminder for me, to take every thought ” captive “, because my thoughts trigger emotions in my heart,and if i am not careful, the negative thoughts will take over and result in me speaking from my Mouth, that which dishonors the LORD.
However; If i am guarding my heart and mind by saturating it with the WORD OF GOD, keeping short accounts with God, confessing and turning away from my SIN, I will be the Godly Woman that God has called me to be, and my fellowship with the Lord and others will be precious and sweet. 🙂
Lovely, Lizzie! Thank you for these precious and encouraging words. I’m so thankful for the joy, cheer, and healing from Father – for you and for us all. One Proverb I really like is 27: 9 – The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense (NLT). The reason I love it is because it rings true for me – I’ve been able to love some friends with heartfelt counsel, and receive it as well. And I think that’s what good writing like yours does too, because I feel like you’re my friend and your counsel smells amazing! Love you!
Proverbs 3:5,6 mean so much to me. “Trust in the Lord” – hard to do, as a worrier…..”He will direct your path.” Impatience to see answers to my prayers, is another fault in this Type A woman. But God has been faithful to answer big prayers for my family, as I’ve trusted Him.
I hardly ever respond to things…..I’ve kind of closed my self off since I lost my son…but today…God has once again blessed my heart through your words sweet Sistah in Jesus! May He hug you a lttle extra today for me.
Thank you, and I love your honesty. Everyone has hidden hurts and wounds; those who are transparent are the ones the light shines through the best.
Proverbs 27:18 has a special meaning for me. My husband and I were in ministry, raising our little family and poor as rodents in a church building! We were working hard and didn’t get any financial compensation, nor much recognition or thanks. One day the Lord gave me this verse as a promise and said that if we tended God’s garden, we would eat of its fruit. I understood immediately that I had been looking for rewards, compensation, feedback, praise, even acknowledgement, from people, and the Lord wanted me to look to him instead, and promised to bless me.
So from that moment, I stopped expecting people to affirm me for whatever I was doing. And over the next few years, the Lord blessed us immensely in tangible ways, but it rarely came from the people I would expect. One day, I expect I will see the Lord face-to-face, and I hope for the words of praise and affirmation that I once wanted from the people I have helped. Better to get it from him!
dear Liz, Please can I come and live next door to you, you are like a beautiful summers day on one side and a glorious autumn day on the other. What a joy to know you, even though it is only electronically. yet
I feel I can say that you are my dear friend., thank you for being you.
Shalom Aleykchem B’shem Ha, Melech.
the great miracle in my life is, that once I was an unbelieving jew
but now I am a believer, Glory to God
Trust in the Lord with all your heart….and He will direct your paths is a favorite proverb which I pray daily as I ask God to direct my life.
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”
Proverbs 18:10 ESV
Thanks for the reminder.
I loved this post! One of my favorite verses from Proverbs is, “Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket” (25:11, NLT). This verse reminds me that timing determines receptivity. Blessings to you, Liz!
One of my favorites is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him,and he will make your paths straight.” So many times when I’ve been confused about what to do, what decision to make, I have to trust God to work things out the best way because I know I can’t.
Proverbs 15:4 The soothing tongueis a tree of life, but a preverse tongue crushes the spirit.
One of my favorite Proverbs is Proverbs 27:19, “As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” It is a gentle reminder to me to stay close to God’s Word. It’s not enough to talk to talk. I have to walk the walk as well. I can say the right words and appear to be a perfect Christian, but I will be known by the fruits of my life.
Liz you hit the nail on the head. dear sister in Christ Clinical depression is no laughing matter – I know! I did seek the help that I needed and with counseling and medication I’m back to my old self and even better. Praise God because you’re right He used both my counseling and medication to help me out and I know that He was very instrumental in my total healing. Your words are always a comfort and a balm for the soul Thank You
Proverbs 8:10-11 Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. I bet no one else picks this verse yeah for wisdom from God!!
When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise. Proverbs 10:19
How often should have kept my words to the bare minimum and much “sin” would have been avoided. This is one of my life Proverbs.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all t hine heart; and lean not into thine own understanding. In all thy says acknowledge him, and he shall direct th y paths.
I love this especially because it tells me that I don’t have to feel alone in times of real need. He is always there.
(Excuse my goofy tablet. It keeps writing says instead of ways)
Hi Liz, thank you so much for your willingness to share you have suffered from depression. The two verses that have been meaningful to me in my own struggle with depression are Proverbs 3:5&6 😊
Proverbs 17:17- A friend loves at all times,and a brother is born for adversity.
Great christian friends can be a balm to a hurting and downtrodden soul. Praise God for my friends!!!
Your photos are so beautiful, thank you for sharing them.
A proverb that helps me often is
Proverb 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. This has kept me out of trouble many times. God bless you and keep you.
Oh, Liz,
What a gift, like a spring rain to parched ground ~ beauty and peace in photos and words and Scripture. Hope is sprinkled reading “When our minds and bodies are no longer fighting against us, then joy has a chance to settle into our bones and begin the healing process.” Thank you!
I know this Scripture is already included in your book, but it was an early bit I memorized and still guides me: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Hi Liz. My favorite (at the moment) verse from Proverbs is 31:26. She opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness. I’m going to be like her when I grow up lol
Dear Liz,
What lovely, lovely photos to accompany such an exquisite devotional. Thank you for sharing true medicine for our soul indeed! I love that you like to laugh. I wholeheartedly agree with Luci Swindoll that a day without dissolving into a helpless puddle of mirth is a wasted day indeed! Alas, far too many of my days have been wasted. I have been in a season of disasters large and small, and I’m still climbing out of them. One of my go-to Proverbs, one a cling to absolutely is Prov 18:10 “The name of the LORD is a strong tower. The righteous run in and are safe.” As someone who has a lot of fears and insecurities (and the world keeps reinforcing them), it means a lot to me that I can be safe in my LORD…no matter how things look circumstantially. Sometimes I have to repeat those words to myself often, and over and over when sleep is hard coming. Thank you for such a beautiful, beautiful reminder of God’s love. I would be thrilled to win one of your autographed books. You never fail to bless me every time I read your art. Thank you!
Thank you Liz for sharing this. So many people suffer from depression and have never seeked help. I have been under a doctor’s care for many years and thank God He found answers for me. I live a great life and medicine has been the answer for me. It took a while to find the right medicine, but I have a godly doctor who stuck with me. I have sent others to him. I firmly believe the Lord uses medicine and doctors to heal and support us. I love your lasagna story and wish I could have been there to join in the laughter! Sending you my love! ❤️❤️❤️
I like Proverbs 3:5-6. It reminds me that I need to trust the Lord and not on myself. The whole book of Proverbs is full of good and sound advice.
I like the part of Proverbs 31 where it says “she is clothed with strength and dignity and can laugh at the days to come”. Getting older is definitely something you need to laugh about…maybe that’s not exactly what the writer meant. I think it’s also about not holding too rigidly to your plans for the future, knowing that God is driving and we are just along for the ride!
I have always loved the Proverb “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…but in reading Job 8:21 I could see my 22 year old granddaughter laughing. Last night I visited her in the psch ward. Never took drugs, never drank but had a mental breakdown (or overtaken by demons) about 3 years ago. She has always been an overachiever. Graduated from high school 2 years early with blue eyes snapping and eager to get to college. She took a 3 month tour of India and came home a little different. One semester of college and she got a B for the first time in her life. Depression started and then one melt down where her father called the cops. Been under state control and on drugs every since. She will get this promise of God, written on a card, on my next visit. She will shout with Joy and come to our Savior…I can see it.
I also suffer with clinical depression and it is not always easy! I take my meds, and pray to be positive ;however, there have been times when it almost got me down! I will pray for all those friends who suffer with me!
“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.” Proverbs 12:25
During an altar service at a conference I attended recently I was given a word of encouragement from one of the speakers. She told me that God would restore my joy. I received that word with gladness and your email has confirmed it for me today. Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your ministry.
It’s either: ” Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit , you choose. ” prov. 18:21. Or ” Anyone can find the dirt in someone, be the one that finds the gold.” Prov. 11:27
Thank you so much for your honesty. I, too, am one of those “What? You have depression? But you’re so cheerful!” people with depression. And I LOVE your statement about how God can heal through multiple means (medication, counseling, and so forth). Many times Christians believe that trusting God means excluding the means He often uses to heal. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thank you.
I know you already quoted it but I do live proverbs 17:22!
And THANK YOU, Liz, for sharing about your depression. It’s hard to admit when one’s depressed. Went through my own bout of it exactly a year ago… was a place I never want to be again! And pray no one ever gets to that place I was in… I thought I’d never get out. But I did. Thank you again for this wonderful devotional!
It sounds very cliche, but Proverbs 3:5-6 rings true for me. When I “lean on my own understanding”, I tend to reduce God down to my human ways. Whereas I can’t see how anything can change, time and again I’ve seen that when I “Trust in the Lord with all my heart” and push my limited understanding aside He moves me in the way He wants me to go. I’ve repeatedly been shown that trusting God leads to much better things that I could imagine by pushing ahead with my own limited understanding. He is so good!!
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
Prov 21:21 “Whoever pressures righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” I love many more Prov though!! I understand deep, dark depression. I’m once again in that valley. But I’ll win again with the help of my Jesus and “get the head of the enemy!!” He truly is my JOY!!! I’ll say this-get your praise music going non stop ladies! It works!! I love Liz!! And now I’m laying in bed at 1:22 am craving lasagna!! 🤣🤣🤣
From Proverbs 25:20 we can learn how to help people who are grieving or are suffering. “Don’t sing songs to a heavy heart”. If you’ve ever been sad, you don’t want to hear “cheer up! Trust God and everything will be all right”. You want someone to sit with you, listen to you, and wrap Gods loving arms around you.
I so appreciate your devotional. My college age daughter has been dealing with severe depression and has even been hospitalized, my husband has a debilitating autoimmune disease, and we are flying from WV to San Diego this week for him to have a stem cell transplant on the 23rd. I needed your words of encouragement. I’m hanging on to Proverbs 3:5-6…“Trust in and rely confidently on the LORD with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].”
I do love the Proverb about a merry heart. I’ve needed the joy to lighten my spirit often. God is good to give us laughter. And thank you for being honest about depression. We needed that. Bless you, dear Liz.
Proverbs 1:7 — The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. I love the simplicity of this statement, and to begin at the beginning is always wise. How I love the book of Proverbs and all of its common sense truth provided by our Lord! Through 65 years, God’s Word has been my go-to for every mountain top joy and every deep valley devastation. This verse from Proverbs is a great place to start.
I like Proverbs 2:6 because it helps me to know that I can ask God for wisdom and He will give it to me. He will always show me the way if I just take the time to ask him to! I like the fact that God listens and really hears!
Proberbs 12:25 tell us that a good word can relieve a heavy heart. I need this reminder daily as my husband and I have seen some tough times. I am usually the one looking for the helping hand out of the pit, when instead I should be the one hand my husband needs to find a place of peace in a very abrasive world.
Liz, your light-hearted posts are so good for me. Your insights into God’s Word are so helpful for me to take a step back and realize that I needed to hear those words to again place my focus on the Lord and off myself. Thank you. God bless you and continue to speak to us from Him.
Lizzie, thanks for sharing! As someone who has been treated for depression, I want to add my voice to yours. It’s a medical issue, not something to be ashamed of. I’m praying for you🙏😊
Liz. I like Proverbs 12:18. The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing !
After days and days of rain,accompanied by “cabin fever”these were healing words,Liz. Thank you for blessing me with your ministry
Proverbs 15:1 “ A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
I have spoken this piece of wisdom many times to my children, and even more to myself. Praise be to Jesus for continuing to train me through His Word… and my children. 😁
Proverbs 10:5 Make hay while the sun shines. Growing up in Iowa farm country I heard this many times. Imagine my surprise when, as an adult, I read that phrase in Proverbs. I had no idea it was in the Bible!
You are a joy! I’m so thankful I found you through a dear friend, and one of these days my desire is to see you in person at one of your speaking engagements. 🙂
This posting came at a time in my own life when it seems as if sorrow and sadness is trying extra hard to take the place of my joy. Circumstances, the loss of my father-in-law seem heavy, though I continue to leave it at the cross and look to my Savior, some days just seem darker than others.
Thank you for sharing the Gospel in such a beautiful way.
“The joy of the Lord is my strength” I love that verse!
God’s blessings be upon you abundantly ♡
Proverbs 15:1
The power of words, be it written or spoken, influences our lives more than we imagine.
“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough” Eckhart
Proverbs 17:22 is perfect for me. I am my mother’s caregiver and it is very hard to keep a cheerful heart at times. I need to read this everyday.
I just wnted to sing out,”I love you,sweet sis. You were just what I needed today.
I loved this. Your words, Liz, are always healing balm to my soul.
So thankful for all your blogs, podcasts and books! Faith with humor is the absolute best!
Thanks for the opportunity to win your newest book on Proverbs!
My go to verse in Proverbs is Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.”
Love His Word!
Bless you!
Proverbs 4:23. Guard your heart, for out of it are the issues of life.
Don’t set foot on the path of the wicked; don’t proceed in the way of evil ones. Avoid it; don’t travel on it. Turn away from it and pass it by.
Prov. 4:14-15
When I was in college as a foolish & naive young Christian, I began to see how close I could get to the path of the wicked with out actually stepping foot on their path. Oh if I had hidden these powerful words in my heart; they would have protected me from giving much grief & sorrow to my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. Now my feet stay far away from those paths & I find unlimited joy & peace as I endevour to stay closely in step with his path for me.
May God bless you richly, Mrs. Higgs.
PS – I am enjoying your beautiful writing which transports me to different time & place in “Mine is the Night”. How lovely & beneficial are the jewels of His Word that you have woven through out the book!
Proverbs 2:20 So you will walk in the way of the good
and keep to the paths of the righteous.
This is something I’m really focusing on right now with some circumstances that are going on at work for me.
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
I really appreciate your honesty about depression. I suffer from it and as well as bipolar-2, which takes me in a major hole when I go without my medication. I wish my family and some of my friends would realize it’s not as easy as pulling up my boot straps and moving forward. It is a real diagnosis and a chemical imbalance in my system that makes it very hard to do that.
I like Proverbs 16:3 — Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans.
It is as we commit to the Lord and submit to His Lordship that He establishes our plans, because it in that submission that we hear and understand His plans for our lives.
Some times it’s a medical condition that requires medicine as well as Jesus. Not saying Jesus can’t heal us, but medicine may be needed to heal the depression. I have often had suicidal ideations and have had to have my meds adjusted several times to fine-tune them. In addition to seeing a Christian counselor who helps me to see myself in a different light.
Pray that your daughter finds the help she needs.
I have recently just come out of the fog once more like I have at so many times in my life. It never fails when something presents itself and I hit it head on the enemy is always there to slowly chip away at my joy and positivity. Usually when I am leaning on the Lord the most.
My husband lost his job due to health issues and what we believe to be MS. A diagnosis for this is extremely hard to obtain even when all of the symptoms point to the obvious. As the weeks have gone by since his release from work in August, I have been strong believing that the Lord will take care of it all. That is until I started realizing that this was really hard on my husband since he having grown up a farm kid has always believed in good old fashioned hard work. Not working has been weighing on his soul. We started arguing more and loving each other less. About a month ago I walked away from Chokdrens Ministry as well as greeting in church. Heck, I just walked away from church all together. I started reading things written by Philosophers and searching for my own answers and believed I could do this on my own and if there really was a God he was in no way shape or form helping me or my husband and definitely not helping in our marriage. As the days went by and I started trying out this new way of thinking, my heart started feeling heavier and heavier and I would look at my 5 year old daughter and realized I was doing her a huge disservice by not taking her to church when she asked to go. So 2 Sunday’s ago, I got up, got dressed and we all headed off to church. I was doing it for her. So I thought. Once that praise music started and my altimeter favorite song “How great is our God” started playing, I broke down and sobbed. I have realized that like what you have said about, God is always with us” good news and bad news (lol) it is completely true. He was working on me the whole time. I have since gotten back involved in Children’s Ministry and will be greeting again at church😁. The proverb that has spoken to me as of late and through this fog is, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 This my dear sister in Christ couldn’t have smacked me in the face any harder! I am with a renewed spirit and a loving heart once again for the one who can pull me out of the miry clay!
Proverbs 16:25 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” My desire is to stay close to the Lord, learn and apply his words, so that I am not deceived into believing my ways, my choices in how I live my life, are correct when they are so far from what the Lord desires and is pleasing to Him.
Proverbs 11:14 “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. ”
At times, throughout my life, I have struggled with depression. Counseling is a lifesaver. God bless.
I like Proverbs for the many words of wisdom in this book. Chapter 15 is one of my favorites. Verse 1… A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger. We don’t have to yell to get our point across, and I think we are more apt to listen to a gentle answer. Also verse 4 ..The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.
Our words and the level at which we speak can make people feel good and heal. Hopefully feel closer to God. We have a lot of power in what we say. We can choose to use them to uplift others, and not to tear them down.
Again, thank you for your spirit to minister to us. I so appreciate you!
Proverbs 3:5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
I leaned on this verse at a very difficult time when I had no control over what was happening: my 43 year old husband was in a come after a cardiac arrest, I had 2 children to care for and my mother was dying from lung cancer. My world had turned upside down but I knew God would get me through it. My husband came out of coma after 7 weeks but had problems but lived for another 13 years. When people asked me how I got through it, I tell them by the grace of God and loving Christian friends. I am now remarried to a loving man.
Thank you for sharing this fun lasagna story. And for your transparency.
I definitely need to schedule time for laughter. It has been too long since I laughed until I cried.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs, Liz. Upbeat, uplifting words, beautiful photos, and real-life applications. I have a smile on my face after reading your blogs.
Prov. 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Okay , yeah, that surprised me. Liz depressed? Then again, yeah, your creative artistic temperament can give way to depression and there are plenty other reasons. Thank you for sharing this. I have recently come through an especially hard time of depression. Anxiety and panic attacks too. I spent a week back in early September hospitalized because of it.
Now ,in the last maybe 2 – 3 weeks new meds ,new doses have taken effect in a good way . I prayed for this . Yes, God uses doctors and meds to heal us. Praise God and may it continue for me and you and all who have cried out to Him.
30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
This is so true.
when my two daughters were at college they were sometimes left out of things as we were not in the “rich” or “in” crowd and therefore felt rejected. This was a verse that helped me to help them and they were able to ignore those people and had other amazing friends to that they chose to focus on instead.
I’ve been cooking since I was fifteen. Now, at 67 I still have overcooked the pasta at times….we ate it anyway but it tasted awful….My family is good about those ‘hit-and-miss’ meals. I just shake my head and do it better the next time. thanks. Identifying with you on t his one,…lol
Had the privilege and blessing of being in the audience and the VIP session in Greencastle last night. What a joy to hear you speak. I’ll never read the story of Mary and Martha again in the same way. As you told your story of cancer and treatment, I was able to relate because I too have also just gone thru the same thing. You are such an example and I know you must have times when things are very low, but yet you know who holds the future and that things are in his control. What a wonderful Savior we serve. May you continue to spread the Word of God in your own special way.