Welcome to The Girl’s Still Got It Bible Study Blog! This September thru November we’ll be reading through my new book on Ruth, one chapter a week. Then each Wednesday I’ll offer my take on the Study Guide questions and invite your comments. Easy, right?
For busy girls like us, this is a Bible study that works—at home or on the road, at your computer or on your smartphone. Read the chapter when you can, check the blog when you like, and share your thoughts when you’re ready.
Before we take a walk with Ruth and the God who rocked her world, here are seven reasons why the biblical book of Ruth still has the power to shape our thoughts, touch our emotions, and impact our lives.
1. Ruth shows us where to turn and what to do when life hurts.
Despite her losses, this young widow fixes her gaze on God and pours her energy into helping others.
2. Ruth gives us permission to be bold when we need to be.
When her future is at stake, Ruth is anything but meek, mild, and submissive. Go, Ruth!
3. Ruth demonstrates the beauty of humility and hard work.
As a gleaner, Ruth must let go of her pride and pick up the scattered grain to feed her family.
4. Ruth proves that a woman doesn’t have to be beautiful to get a man’s attention.
When Boaz sees Ruth across a crowded field, it’s her commitment to her mother-in-law that impresses him most.
5. Ruth teaches us the value of speaking our minds and opening our hearts.
However lowly her position, Ruth isn’t afraid to ask this rich and influential landowner why he treats her with generosity and loving-kindness.
6. Ruth makes it clear that patience is a virtue worth cultivating.
When her mother-in-law tells her to wait for Boaz to act, Ruth wisely sits tight. Tough to do, but so worth it.
7. Ruth gives us a glimpse of our Kinsman-Redeemer and the hope he offers.
From the first verse of Ruth to the last, we long for a Redeemer to save the day. Does he ever!
Wanna know more? Take a look:
To Do This Week:
Sign up to have my Bible Study Blog delivered to your inbox.
Pick up your copy of The Girl’s Still Got It.
Read pages 1-25.
Answer the questions on pages 175-178.
Join me here on my blog beginning Wednesday, September 5 and we’ll dive in!