Glorious Splendor, Wonderful Works

isle of Harris Beach SCOTLAND

Of all my childhood summer memories, I cherish most the days we spent at the shore.

Bare feet on hot sand. Bright sun bearing down. Collecting shells by the pocketful. Building sand castles with plastic buckets. Running into the sea, laughing loud, arms spread wide.

Nothing but ocean stretched to the horizon and beyond. That vastness put everything in perspective. Small us. Big God.

This month we’re admiring some of the beautiful shorelines God created, and marveling that this same God also created us. Wonder of wonders!

So, our verse for August:

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate. Psalm 145:5 NASB

On the glorious splendor… Psalm 145:5 NASB

Not one but two over-the-top words here, as if David the psalmist was overwhelmed trying to express “the beauty of thy glorious majesty” (GNV) and “the magnificence of the glory of thine holiness” (WYC).

Where to start? Or rather, where to stop?

Some things even language can’t capture. Our eyes widen and our mouths drop open and we find it hard to breathe. The very thought of Him is…ohhh.

…of Your majesty… Psalm 145:5 NASB

I love the NASB: New American Standard Bible. The language is elegant, and the scholarship trustworthy.

What I really love? The pronouns referring to the Holy One are capitalized — He when the Lord is spoken about and You when the Lord is spoken to.

In my first published book — now long out-of-print — I also wrote He and You, thinking that was how it was done. Soon, it became acceptable, even preferable for many publishers, to use lower-case pronouns for deity, so I followed suit.

But in my recent books — It’s Good to Be Queen, 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart, The Women of Easter, and 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path — I’ve returned to capitalizing He, Him, HisYou, and Your when referring to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It’s not a question of correct or incorrect. Zero judgment of how other writers handle things. For me, it just feels right and good – and long overdue.

You are worthy of honor, Lord, and “Your beauty and splendor have everyone talking” (MSG). We’re talking to You and about You. Blown away by “the shining-greatness of Your power” (NLV). Going on and on about all You are and all You have done.

…and on Your wonderful works,… Psalm 145:5 NASB

Think how many “mighty miracles” (CEV) God has performed just this summer. Babies born. Marriages healed. Diseases banished. Broken hearts mended. Souls rescued. Lives redeemed.

Lord, when we consider “the story of your wonders” (CJB), when we reflect on “Your great works” (NLV) and “amazing deeds!” (NET), when we see how big You are and how small we are, when we look at “the glory of Thy majesty, and the matters of Thy wonders” (YLT), words fail us.

The truth is, You don’t need our words, Lord. We need Yours.

…I will meditate… Psalm 145:5 NASB

Before we act on His counsel and put our faith in motion, we’re called to “contemplate” (CEB) and “focus on” (NET) and “spend time thinking about” (NIrV) what He is asking us to do. To consider our lives from His eternal perspective. To acknowledge His wonderful works, and imagine what He wants to accomplish in us and through us for the sake of the Gospel.

Heavenly Father, give us a sense of wonder when we gaze at Your creation. Show us the works of Your hands, Your mighty miracles, unfolding all around us. Help us see what You see, so we can help others see You. In Jesus’ beautiful name, Amen.

For our August giveaway, I’ve framed three sets of photos featuring five of my favorite shorelines in New Zealand, Scotland, and South Africa. I’ve chosen three winners — Eleanor, Tina, and Nancy —but you are still welcome to scroll down to share your thoughts about where you have discovered the glorious splendor of His majesty. (It might be your backyard.)

Bless you for spending a few minutes standing on the shore with me!

Your sister, Liz

P.S. If you missed our August 7th Wonderful Wednesday on Facebook LIVE, watch and/or listen as we meet Euodia and Syntyche — two Jesus Girls with one big problem.

And if you’d like to catch me in person this autumn, take a look at my speaking calendar. What a joy it would be to see you!

Liz Curtis Higgs


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