Oh, I know all about maintaining balance in your life. Meet with the Lord every morning for a meaningful visit. Walk for an hour each afternoon to clear the mind and exercise the body. Read something that nourishes heart and spirit before heading for bed. Sleep eight hours. Eat healthy foods. Drink plenty of water.
It all sounds very restful and wise and good. But that’s not what life looks like at the Higgs house.
My conversations with the Lord usually happen in the shower. My daily walk is a brisk thirty-second stroll from the back door of my house to the front door of my office. I read novels on my Kindle, am lucky if I get five hours of sleep a night, drink water only if it’s flavored, and eat whatever’s in the fridge or on sale.
Not very spiritual, I know. Just the truth.
Even the word “balance” makes me nervous, bringing to mind that low wooden beam in gym class. One false step, and I was on the floor, groaning.
Maybe that’s why I define “balance” as walking in God’s will, which is surprisingly effortless, since “he will be our guide even to the end” (Psalm 48:14).
Of late, here is what God is asking of me: Fret less. Smile more. Give thanks. Judge not. Do the work he places in my hands. Love the people he brings across my path. Meditate on a verse from Scripture like a hard candy, chewing on it until nothing remains but the sweet taste—“sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103).
And when I sleep, I sleep well, knowing the day’s work, however great or small, is done. I cannot have those hours back, and so I rest in this comforting promise: “He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121:7-8).
Copyright © 2012 Liz Curtis Higgs. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for the wonderful reminder, Liz. I find the same challenge in seeking balance, but it does seem so much easier when it’s in God’s will.
Oh, how I needed to hear this today. I was just thinking of the hectic pace of life and how to settle my mind and spirit even if I’m going 3 different places at once.
{{Meditate on a verse from Scripture like a hard candy, chewing on it until nothing remains but the sweet taste}} I adore this! I hope you don’t mind, but it’s going in the front of my notebook.
Thank you for answering my prayer, for you writing more daily inspirations and encouragements. Looking forward to reading more.
thank you so much liz for sending me an email… really love to read this passage!!! very encouraging!!! GOD bless us.
couple of days ago you came into my mind, I think I may have seen you on Crossroads TV here in Canada. God has given me a joyful spirit, I’m happy and love to encourage people.. He’s also given me what I call a wild and crazy sense of humor. As I said, you cam e into my mind but I had forgotten your name. Today, I turn on Crossroads and some promo or something mentioned you and I thank the Lord for knowing your name. I asked the Lord, why – what do I do now and although I still don’t know the answer to that, I have signed up for your encouraging notes and maybe this is just God’s way of saying, he knows my innermost thoughts. God is so-o-o-o- good.
“Fret less. Smile more. Give thanks. Judge not. Do the work he places in my hands. Love the people he brings across my path…”
Thanks for sharing this simple lesson. I was encouraged by it today!
Thank you so much…..The days just evaporate and along with my ADD (what else can be the reason for my actions….all of them LOL) I just can’t seem to get my act together. I know God made me the way he wanted me and I keep saying ” Ok….you do have a reason don’t you? ” or does He have a really interesting sence of humor.
I was at the Retreat in MInot last weekend and LOVED it!!!!!! What a Blessing to find you in this big wide world!! What an inspiration…..A sense of Humor is one of Gods very special blessings!!!! Will follow your FB and Blog and of course your books!!!
How have I missed this new blog? Apparently God ordained, it was, because today I needed it more than I have for many weeks. THANK YOU, dear LIz, for sharing your walk and insights. Walking through the days really can be so simple when we do it God’s way. I’ll meet you over that Psalm 121,
I needed to hear this today. Thank you.
So enjoyed meeting/hearing you at the BBC ladies conference. Still sense the glow of the Lord flowing from you. Carried over through me to my hairdresser today as I shared Christ and encouragement with her. Thanks also for this site and hearing your voice again. Be blessed.
What a joy you bring to my life! Read all your books. Laughed with you at Women of Joy in Louisville, Kentucky. Went to the nights at the Methodist Church when you told us of Ruth. “Meditate on a verse…”, your encouraging suggestion on February 13 that I read today, went into my journal for my daughters and their families to read and use. Thanks for all you do!
I am glad to know I am NOT the only one who can’t keep walking with momentum to the balance/ now blend.
Oh Liz, I needed to hear that too. I am in the throws of looking at an empty nest. I have one twin off to the big city to chase a career in photography. I have the other twin finishing college this next year and then who knows where she might wind up. In comes the baby, staying at home and going to college only to learn she will be moving out with a friend too! So I struggle with losing 3 girls and worry about jobs, finances (2 girls in college is not cheap), and a husband going in for a knee replacement! Thanks for the encouraging words.
I have a terrible time balancing things. Just when I think I’ve got my balancing act together something happens to knock it off kilter. So I gave up. I’ve replaced balanced with “centered.” What’s the difference? Being centered in Christ is so much easier than balancing all my responsibilities and interests. I just ask myself, is what I’m doing now an expression of Christ in me? Does it bring Him glory? Is my job, hobbies, ministry, interests centered in Christ? Am I joining in His activity? If yes, then I’m fine. This way I don’t feel like I have to give everything equal time or attention; but I do need to be a good steward of the resources God has given me which includes relationships, mind and body, ministry, time, talent and treasury. Luke tells us that “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
I can remember hearing a woman speak about getting “all our ducks in a row.” She named each duck — God, husband, family, home, ministry, job, etc. Something in my mind screamed “but where am I?” As women we tend to put ourselves last and I don’t think that honors God. So being centered instead of balanced works for me.
Thanks for tis note Angela. It was very helpful. We do have to take time for ourselves and feel GODS LOVE for us. Lately I have been TRYING to feel GODS love as I get things done. Some days I am more successful than others. Be blessed all my sisters.
“He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121:7-8).
I’ve been reading these verses a lot this past week.
Love your straight talking Liz. Refreshing!
It was so great to meet you at the She Speaks conference last weekend. Better than that was hearing your message Saturday night. It was such a blessing to be there while you were “just being Lizzie!” Thank you for being so honest in this blog. I, too, most often pray in the shower. The best thing about this time of life is knowing that it’s okay to simply sit and think. Just want you to know I’m working on a plan to have you come speak to us in Vero Beach. You’ll be hearing from us soon. Blessings…
After hearing you on Chris Fabry Live recently today
I have succeeded in my one main goal for today. I
drove 15 miles to my nearest Christian bookstore and
purchased “The Girls Still Got It”. Soon I will be “diving
Imagine my surprise as I began the book last evening to see the words “dive in”!! I had no idea when I posted “diving in”.
I needed your wise and kind words this morning…I will try to start my days by saying:”Fret less. Smile more. Give thanks. Judge not. Do the work he places in my hands. Love the people he brings across my path.” Now, I just need some good hard candy verses
This is all new to me but I’m willing to try and quiet frankly I think I need it…thank you Liz!
Liz, I rec’d “TGSGI”, as a gift! Couldn’t put it down, had the luxury of reading it in one day. Once again, it is ‘footstool time’ and I love you all the more! For your sweet,funny delicious way of telling us a story; of teaching us Scriptures as easily as feeding jars of fruit to a baby! Oh yum! And today, although the years and my face try to tell differently, I am 6 months/years old rather than 62! When I saw your headline, “meeting the Lord each morning for meaningful time”, I gulped for air as I reflected on the last week’s schedule and didn’t feel as if I had had meaningful time at all!? Then, I see Yeshua’s Smile, His warm sun-colored Skin, the dazzle of His beautiful white Teeth, and the crinkle crease of laugh lines around His Eyes as He gently pats the pillows rich chaise for me to sit a spell and start the day with Him! No Jewish Guilt in His demeanor, no sarcasm dripping in His tone or words, no hurt or ‘angry eyes’, just sheer joy of finding us together. I smile, relax and basque in the closeness of His Company. My Messiah gently turns to my roster of To Do List, helps me refine, hone down my expectations, and I find I am greeting the day, Him, and even myself! He helps me slow down, preps me for whatever the day will bring. I am refreshed. His ewe, ready to work, with delight. ?not on my strength, but His! Lizzie, ya lil Scottish rascal!
Ah…it’s so refreshing to hear your “voice” again. Just came from your newsletter today to sign up for your blog.
Thank you for all of your teachings!
Balance is hard for me…but will attempt to savor His Word until it IS sweet!
So thankful to discover the blog…..what a blessing it was to me today!! Thank you for the reminders, especially the Bible verses to accompany them. I can’t wait to share them with my Bible Study group when we resume in September!! What a blessing you and your ministry are to me!! Blessings to you!
Loved you at the Women of Faith conference in Spokane, last week. You were the most beautiful and your messege spoke volumes to all the ladies. Women are using your books, “Bad Girls of the Bible” in a jail ministry. Thought of calling a transitional house for women called, “Rahab to Rehab.” I’m starting a Bible study using your books, calling it “Girls Gone Guile!” You are such an inspiration!
Thank you so much for this post. I have been feeling so defeated since going back to work full time, more that a year ago. I just can’t get the hang of “this” balancing act. I have gained 25lb from a new medication for fibromyalgia, sitting at a desk for 8 hours, and being to tired to do anything when I get home. Than you for reminding me that God is more interested in obedience in the things he give us than all that we pile upon ourselves.
“Meditate on a verse from Scripture like a hard candy, chewing on it until nothing remains but the sweet taste—“sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103).”
Absolutely LOVE this thought!!!
Just now stopping by since She Speaks yet still chewing on the challenge you offered & hope I received from your well-spoken words.
You are truly a kindred spirit.
Love you, sister!!