Even on the gloomiest days, the sun rises. It might seem slow in coming, it may be hidden behind a canopy of gray clouds, but the sun is definitely there. Every morning. Without fail.
We don’t rush to our bedroom windows in fear. What if it doesn’t rise? What if we live in darkness forever? We know better. We trust, we believe, we have faith, because every morning of our lives, the sun has risen.
And every moment of our lives, God is with us. Even if we don’t see Him, we can experience His light, His warmth, His presence.
Hosea 6:3 builds on that assurance, encouraging us to draw closer to the One who said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
Take a look at this beautiful verse with me.
Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. Hosea 6:3
Let us acknowledge the Lord;… Hosea 6:3
Such a good plan for a new day. “Let’s strive to know the Lord” (CSB), who so intimately knows and loves us. Let’s make it our goal to “become personally acquainted with Him” (AMP) by studying His Word and reaching out to Him in prayer.
If reading the whole Bible in a year sounds intimidating, how about simply reading the Bible every day? For me, five minutes soon becomes fifteen, as I’m drawn into the story or the lesson or the glorious truth of God’s grace.
And how about praying before we rise from our beds each morning? Before we reach for our phones or our slippers, imagine the first word we think or speak being His name. Lord Jesus, good morning.
What if we made this the cry of our hearts? “Oh, that we might know the Lord!” (NLT).
…let us press on to acknowledge him. Hosea 6:3
I love this challenge to press on. The Hebrew word is often translated “pursue, chase.” It’s active, it’s physical. Let’s go. Let’s move. Let’s “seek to know the Lord!” (NET).
If you’re thinking, Liz, I already know Him, perhaps now is the time to get to know Him better. To know His character, to know His trustworthiness. If we’re truly “eager for God-knowledge” (MSG), then let’s “follow on, that we may know the Lord” (DRA) and learn to “honor, heed, and deeply cherish Him” (AMP).
A wise course for the days ahead, dear friend. For you, for me, for all of us.
As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; Hosea 6:3
It’s the perfect visual aid. Our hearts and minds quickly picture that moment when the upper curve of the sun breaks the horizon and daylight pierces the darkness.
This is how God comes to us. In the weighty silence of His presence, we feel utter peace and exceeding joy. A new dawn. A new day. Hope.
As the prophet Hosea described it, “His going forth is prepared as the morning light” (DRA), and “as certain as the morning sun” (CEV). In the same way sunrise is never a surprise, when the Lord draws near, “we know he is coming, just as we know the dawn is coming” (ERV).
It must be said, these promising words from Hosea are surrounded with difficult ones, beginning with “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land” (Hosea 4:1). Chapter after chapter, the prophet charged Israel with unfaithfulness. “But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception” (Hosea 10:13).
Painful to read, and more painful still to confess our own unfaithfulness. Even the most devoted among us has failed the Lord countless times. As the psalmist wrote, “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?” (Psalm 130:3). Not one of us could.
And yet, in the next breath, redemption. “But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you” (Psalm 130:4). It’s the same with the whole book of Hosea. Buried in the center is this hope-filled promise, “You can be sure the sun will rise. And you can be just as sure the Lord will appear” (NIrV), rescuing His people, giving them hope and a future.
…he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. Hosea 6:3
Another visual aid, engaging even more of our senses. Rain has a scent all its own, fresh and earthy. And a sound all its own, pelting our windows. When it lands on our skin, rain can be as soft as a warm caress or as hard as icy needles.
One thing is certain. Rain cannot be resisted or ignored. Nor can the Lord.
Even if our faith has grown cold, He comes to us “as gathered rain” (YLT), “renewing the earth” (CEV) and “refreshing the ground” (MSG). In time, our hardened hearts yield to His living water and receive the healthy seeds He plants inside us. Grow. Grow.
He has not forgotten us, even if we’ve forgotten Him. “As surely as the rains come each year — those spring rains that drench the earth — He’ll come back to us” (VOICE).
Today and always, make Him welcome, beloved.
Lord Jesus, in the same way You created the sun to shine and the rains to fall in due season, You continue to fill us with Your light and wash us with Your cleansing grace. We can never thank you enough. Amen and amen.
Every Monday morning, join me for Grace Every Monday on Facebook LIVE. We’ll look at a single verse, focused on the word REST throughout 2025. All the joy-filled encouragement you need to start your week with a smile, every Monday @ 9am ET.
Too early? Catch it later on Facebook. I’ll be waiting for you, I promise.
Not on Facebook? No problem. Each Grace Every Monday video will be posted here on my website. See you next Monday!
Your grateful sister, Liz
Ms. Liz
As an early riser and an avid outdoors fan, I purposely watch each sunrise. I read once that “God paints the sky for us each morning” Boy that’s the truth. The beauty each morning is hard to beat. I can’t look at the horizon with thanking Him for another day of forgiveness and promises
We were recently in Florida on Satellite Beach. I left my slider open to hear the waves of the ocean gently touch the shore. I watched as the sun slowly rose over the horizon, casting its sparkling light on the water. All I could think is how grateful I was to share these early morning moments with my Lord and what beauty He created. Watching the pelicans fly over the ocean, diving now and then to fetch their breakfast, I thought how beautiful His creation is and how much He loves those things He creates, which includes me.
Thank you so much for your post. I’m so thrilled you’ll be doing these devotions!
When on vacation at the NJ shore a few years back and the sunrise was nearly flawless. Every shade of yellow, orange , and pink. The sunsets during COVID have been spectacular: I am reminded of a new opportunity in each.
Thank you for this, all too many times I don’t take the time to enjoy the beauty God greets us with every morning, too busy with the hustle and bustle of the morning, I want to try to be more grateful
The sun brings us warmth as well as hope to our hearts. The older I get the more sunrises I want to see. To be honest I have always been a sunset type of gal.. always reflecting and counting my blessings for that day and ending with sunset prayers. But a sunrise always is magical time as well. Praying for the day ahead as well as a reminder to look for God’s gifts to is.. the sun one of his grestest. Thank you for the chsnce and for shining like the sun Liz.
Liz what a perfect devotional for this yr with all the world has been through. The sun will rise again! Thank you Jesus! I enjoy watching the sunrise first thing every morning feeding the animals I look up and there is the sun rising. Incredible. Thank you
I spent most nights with my mom when she was on hospice care and watched the sunrise in the mornings. Mid city, so not a spectacular view, but spectacular, cherished moments and memories.
We were in Cancun in October. I rose every morning just to watch the sun rise over the ocean. So peaceful, so gorgeous and so very different from home. And of course here in southern Ohio, seeing the sun rise doesn’t have the same beauty during the winter, but it still rises even though I don’t bother to watch. Thank goodness it doesn’t depend on me!😉
I work in a nursing home these past 22 years. I’ve seen so much. These residents become family. It’s a heart wrenching time
I can’t sleep. Covid is raging. But I’ve been up plenty early to see the sun rise these months. And I am grieving these times but welcoming the new day and reading my scriptures. I want to run away some days but the light I can share with these dear precious people comes from God. I couldn’t possibly do this on my own. I thank God in this horrible time for the privilege of serving and cling to His keeping and coming
Thank you Liz for your incredible leading
Beautifully said, Lisa. I especially love your last sentence. It is so true!
I watched the sun rise just a little over a week ago. We were driving back from my son’s house. The colors in the sky were beautiful. It made me feel close to our heavenly Father. I even thanked him for it.
For you and your prospective I would rise and shine. I so enjoy the sunrise when I am up earl enough but I always enjoy your teachings. Thank you for your faithfulness.
So many sunrises over the years. I always marveled in the beauty. How God could understand and make the components of the sun, clouds, air we breathe the colors of a sunrise and sunset. What peace, joy and excitement there is to watch that progression. God is Good all the time.
To be honest I cannot remember the last time I watched the sun actually rise. I never am up that early but honestly I just take it for granted. Perhaps i am also taking what God does and offers me every single day…for granted too??
I love my Lord cause He is always there, but I must start to NEVER take Him for granted. And praise Him as the “THE SON” rises each and every morning!!! <♡
Pre sunrise is my favorite time of the day for prayer and conviction of the days’ objectives. Will enjoy the new study greatly.
This morning I watched the sunrise and it was beautiful. I am always thanking God for His beauty that surrounds us daily!!
Thank Jesus and thank you Liz!!
Dear Liz, so happy to hear we will be in the word with you in February. We need God’s word more than ever in this turbulant time. We are encouraged by the Great Encourager Himself – to rise up! Only God can provide the streangth and comfort we need. “Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord.”
I love watching a sunrise. There is that special moment when the world seems to hush in expectation of the sunshine.
The last time I saw the sun rise was last year when our family went camping. I saw the sun rise over the river. I was absolutely stunningly beautiful. All I could think about was God’s amazing beautiful creation. I did my Bible study outside while gazing into the sunrise!
I saw the sunrise last week. It was gorgeous even in this cold, wintry weather. Thank you for the reminders.
I love that you would be willing to do a devotion for us in the morning. What a wonderful way to start the day. I love your books and this one sounds awesome.
I love watching the sunrise . I see the hand of God. I love watching sunsets. They are so beautiful. God makes His presence known . I am excited to hear your devotions on these. Thank you so much.
I love watching the sun rise… when I lived in Drumheller, AB Canada, I used to sit in the back yard, watching the sun shine down on my neighbour’s horses as they ran around.
I am not a morning person but I love sunrises and prefer sunsets. I call them God’s art in the sky. I moved 2 years ago which forced me to rise for work before the sun appears.
I observe so many different beautiful sunrises throughout the year. I can’t stand cold weather but those sunrises usually display the most amazing art work. It has been cloudy all week but l last week there was a sunrise that people were sharing all over FB.
His art in the sky is what fills my photos gallery.
Watching the sun rise over the lake by my home is a special time each morning as I have my coffee and begin devotions. My Bible Study so enjoyed your Women of Christmas this year! It was a special time. Several of us faced unbelievable challenges during this time, and your study helped keep us rooted in the Word!
I get up early nearly each morning, so when I get to see the sun rise – it reminds me that God is always there. I am reminded that with Him, nothing is impossible.
A few weeks ago, I was up before the sun. I sat in my living room looking out the picture window that faces East. The sky was beautiful as it changed colors as the sun came up. God is the best artist and his magnificent works cannot be copied. Photos nor paintings can compare. Our God is an awesome God in all ways.
Oh my I cannot honestly say I intentionally awakened to watch the sun rise. I am more of a sunset girl. Either one is gorgeous and a wonderful sampling of how marvelous is our Creator. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
It has been too long since I saw the sun rise.
Honestly, the one and only time I intentionally stayed up to see the sunrise was returning from a cruise to the Caribbean back in 1966! Sailing back to NY harbor and going past the Statue of Liberty was an awesome sight! We are fortunate to live in these United States…may we remain UNITED with the Light of Christ to lead us. Thank you, Liz, for encouraging our walk in the Lord.
I am up in time to see the sun rise most mornings. I may just see the daylight turn the darkness to light because where I live it is hard to get to see the horizon.
The last time I actually saw the sunrise was on top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park in Maine. I was a morning in October of 2019 it was so very cold up there on top of that mountain but it was so worth the it to see the beauty of the sun to gradually peek over the edge of the horizon looking out over the ocean. So beautiful!!
Watching the sun rise one year I was visiting friends on the coast. We purposely got up to watch the sunrise! Loved the beautiful colors and the light as we kept watching-not directly AT the sun of course. Maybe next summer when I’m out east for my grandson’s HS graduation, I can experience it again.
The skies here have been gloomy for several days in a row making the sunrise hard to see but I stand in awe of the fact that there still is light.
We are not in darkness. Even with the clouds you know God is present. He never fails.
I have often watched the sunrise. Sometimes it’s just on my way to the bathroom!! However, Easter Sunday is a time I am INTENTIONALLY watching it. It may be symbolism but I love going up our local mountain to see this. The Resurrection is HUGE to me since giving my life to the Lord 20 years ago. Having grown up a catholic I was always used to seeing a crucifix, with more emphasis on that day. I absolutely love the cross now, he is no longer on it. Understanding the enormity of this has brought so much freedom, gratitude and joy. He is IN me and there are no more middle men! Praise God.
It has been too long since I saw the sun rise.
It was almost 2 years ago, I was teaching at a camp and got up each morning to greet the Lord as the sun came up. Your post inspires me to try it again for a week or so.
As I drive to care for my grandchildren, the sun rises over the Great Lake. I look upward in praise. Lamentations 3: 22 “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. 24 The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.”
Yesterday was the last day I intentionally saw the sun rising. The first thing I remember is the stark blackness of the night and the hopeful bouts of bright color shooting across the sky. It’s an exciting time because you wait to see the next rapid change of light entering the night sky.
There is always a beautiful stillness and anticipation of a brand new day.
Jesus is the sunrise to our days. So amazing. ❤️
Oh, Liz, your email is an answer to prayer today. Thank you for your faithfulness!
Sunrise ~ last time was actually yesterday morning, brief as it was before clouds covered it. And to my shame, I didn’t let it capture my mind and heart ~ I just moved on … to a stormy, sad, violent day. Praise God, He is in my heart and with me even when I choose busy-ness. I aim to do better. God, please bless Liz.
My husband drove a motor coach before he retired. He had a trip to Virginia Beach and I was able to go along. Each morning I went out and sat on the balcony to watch the sunrise and the dolphins play in the ocean. Such a blessing to be still and know that He is Lord, and that the sun will rise each and every day.
Every morning while meeting with God, I look out my window in anticipation of the first light of dawn! In Oklahoma we have many glorious sunrises!
I actually saw the sunrise more by accident than on purpose a few days ago. I had to get up and let the dogs out and when I looked over to the east I saw the prettiest pink sky and the sun just peeking up over the trees. It was so beautiful and just made me stop to look at it. Thank you so much Liz for this beautiful post and the chance to win your book.
The last time I purposely watched a sunrise was in Hawaii a couple years ago. We were staying at a camp by the ocean where my daughter was speaking at a conference. Early one morning the two of us got up early and went down to the ocean and watched the sunrise as the water rolled onto the shore. Such a glorious sight! Gods creation in action!! So beautiful!! So special!
I absolutely love sunrises, it such a beautiful way to begin the day, and sunsets are amazing. God’s creations are wonderful. The colors are so magnificent.
Thank You Lord for your creations.
When my husband-to-be first asked me to go fishing with him at 0dark:thirty, I reluctantly accepted because I just wanted to be with him. But once out on the water, in the stillness of morning, I watched the sky lighten, then change colors, then a golden orb slowly rose out of the water, sending streaks of light across the waters. Now that we’re married, I relish the opportunity to see the world transformed from darkness to light.
Because of the schedules in our household, sunrises are a difficult thing for me to catch. However, a Facebook friend catches them frequently with his camera. I love these photos. They are a reminder of our Lord’s faithfulness. His mercies are new every morning. The gratitude overflows my heart. It’s too much to contain.
And then there are the sunsets, equally beautiful, that call us to wind down and rest. Another boon from the Lord. He gives his beloved rest. Sunrise and sunset are beautiful bookends to the day. Both trigger gratitude in my spirit.
Oh how I needed this today! Thank you for reminding me that He is ever present. My last sunrise was sitting beside my husband in a very chilly hunting blind. The beauty of God’s painting with deer and turkey as the sun crept over the edge of the mountain was breathtaking. Just as the sun will rise again, He will be by our side through troubled times.
I’m not sure I have ever gotten up to watch the sun rise. I’ve been up and seen it rise but not purposely to see it rise
I dont often see it, but the last time I was camping and amazed at the beauty of God’s design!
I love to see the sunrise, especially during these winter months in Ohio. After a week with NO SUN, I am thrilled to see it all the more. So thankful that the Lord is our light, even on dark days.
I don’t think I have ever intentionally chosen to watch the sun rise. I have seen a few, but only because of circumstances. I am not an early morning person 😬. That said, I might just “intentionally” enjoy one soon!
Last Monday morning, as I was at the table eating breakfast. It was beautiful. I was thinking, look at how God woke me up this morning. There was a cloud bank in front of the sun and landscape behind it. It always amazes me how beautiful God’s creation is.
I’m so excited to Rise and Shine with you, Liz! During these short days of winter, after I get up, I watch out my living room window for the appearance of the sun, so the last time I watched was today. Today was cloudy, but I was greeted with the beauty of the hoarfrost on all of the trees. It was glorious!
Thank you so very much, Liz for writing a morning devotional; Rise & Shine for encouragement to start out the day ahead or the mercies that are new every morning!
May God richly bless & keep you in the palm of His hand.
Hi! I try to see the sun rise every morning through my front window…It is a clock-work event! it’s a BIG reminder to me that God is still in control, that He has me/this whole world situation, He is faithful…I stand in awe of His works and praise Him for who He is when I see it…
You know what I do not know if I ever intentional watched a sunrise. Hum. While in Maui the last time I wanted to get up in the middle of the night and drive up to Haleakalā National Park because that is one of the things in all my trips I’ve never done. Sadly, my then husband did not want to get up at 3AM to drive up there for the sunrise. BUT, I did get him to drive up there one afternoon, and watched the sunset on a very windy and cold afternoon. Glorious! There is still hope one day I will purposefully get up and go see a sunrise.
Thank you for the opportunity to share your words of wisdom from God’s Word.
Just last week I watched a beautiful red sunrise spread across the sky. As I continued to watch it, it turned to orange. It makes a good start to my day.
I watched the sun rise two days ago. Darkness gave gradual way to light and color and I breathed deeply, feeling the relief of hope for a new day and all it might bring. It’s not that I didn’t expect the light, I trusted that it would come, and knew I needed it.
Thank you for your postings, Liz. Your words and pictures and the Scriptures you share always lighten my heart and bring peace to my mind.
The last time I watched the sunrise in an uninterrupted, watchfulness moment was late fall, the last warm day of 2020. A warm cup of coffee against the bit of chill from the night. Sitting on the back deck in rural Kentucky and just soaked it in. Prayed in no hurry, even though I knew the time was quickly approaching to get on the work laptop. All by myself physically, but knowing that it was just God & me. I treasure that intimacy, His calming presence and the peacefulness of simply being.
I love Heb. 1:1, John 1:1-2, Gen 1:1-2 & Ps 1. Seemed fitting to meditate on all of these for the beginning of the day. Certainly restored me for the items that presented themselves when I lifted that work laptop cover.
It’s been awhile since I watched a sunrise. I remember it being magnificent! I felt in awe and peaceful. God’s handiwork is wonderful!
Last year we went to Hilton Head Island and stayed in a hotel right on the beach! Every morning I got up to see the sunrise and dolphins. Some mornings my husband joined me and other mornings my son joined me. But every morning I knew the Lord joined me as well. I was awe struck by His glorious creation and beauty of the colors during the rising of the sun. Is anything impossible for the Lord? I think not!
I am not a morning person!! The only time I watched the sun rise was when traveling, and the travel required an early start. For years, my siblings and I drove from central California into Oregon for family reunions. My brother picked me up about 4:30 a.m. I would see the sun come up…..but not because I particularly wanted to. There were times I thought it was pretty……other times I wanted to sleep thru it!
This past fall when I going through hard times with my mom and her critical health issues. I was in awe at how beautiful it was coming up and the rays that showed through the trees as it came it. It just totally reminded me of how great our God is that He created everything including the sunrise. Now she is in Heaven with our creator.
I watched the sunrise a few days ago from my vehicle. We just moved from CA to TN and it was the second day of driving. We started so early it was still dark when we pulled out of the hotel parking lot. As the sun came up over the New Mexico horizon, I was caught off guard at the beauty as well as the relevance. We were starting a new day…on a new journey.
Love to see the sun rise over the Sandias here in Albuquerque! It is
a glorious way to greet the dawn of a new day with all the promises
that are before us. My Native American friends/colleagues always greet the morning sun with prayers and cornmeal~~~~ Blessing the Dawn of a New Day as they practice their Traditional Ways and for others to blend with their Christian faith.
Hi, Liz! I watch the sunrises a lot. I love the colors and the shining forth of the glorious new day. I love how it unfolds and changes every few seconds. I watched just a few days ago, in fact. I am glad you are back with this new time with us. I have been looking for a new devotional book for my quiet time with the Lord. I have many of your books but not this one. If I don’t win one, I know which one to buy. Thanks!
It is all in God’s time and God’s plan. A perfect time for me to receive your email as I just purchased Rise and Shine for my very best friend a copy of your book for her birthday. I am just finishing Bad Girls of the Bible myself.
Your faith and dedication to God is so evident in your books and videos!
God Bless You, Liz!
A sister in faith,
Debbie Baldwin
Every morning I sit outside with me cat watching the sunrise so thankful for my life and the whole I live in. Enjoy watching the birds. So peaceful.
The last time I was at the beach I truly watched the sunrise and marveled in God’s creation! He is so good!
I live on the St John’s river and see the effects of the sun rise almost daily.
So exciting! I’ve not read this book. I like to take mornings slowly, but I’m often awake to see the sunrise with the U.S. Ridge Mountains on my back yard. I’d love to have an autographed copy by you! 💝
The last time I remember intentionally watching the sunrise was in Estes Park, CO. It was as majestic to see the sun with the mountains. The elk surrounded us, the mountains surrounded us and I remember telling my cousin “Being here is like being with God..” The thing I remember was the beauty all around me like God was holding me in His arms.
Oh I remember before the pandemic our Ladies we had a sunrise service and after the service we were able to see the sunrise it’s a beautiful feeling to see what great things our Lord has done.
It’s been a while since I watched a sunrise. I need to get out again, with my camera, and capture a sunrise over Lake Superior! Whenever I do see one, I am awed by God’s creativity and the beauty He provides for us on a daily basis. God is good!!
My husband and I look forward to the sunrise every morning. Since the Pandemic began it has become our habit to look out the windows as soon as it begins to get light. We marvel at the beautiful skies God paints for us to enjoy. Beginning each day this way reminds us how wonderful God is and how much He loves us. We begin our mornings with prayers, happiness, sunrise, and our cardinals.
I am not a morning person but I have definitely enjoyed some spectacular sunsets, especially when I lived in the Montana mountains and now in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. I always say “God is the very best artist ever”. I love the mountains because I feel that is is God’s arms surrounding me and letting me know that He is always with me. Psalm 121:1 says in the King James, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills (or I say mountains), from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth” (and sunrises and sunsets)
I was a Virginia farm girl and somehow I didn’t realize that not everyone in the world had a chimney for Santa to use, nor did everyone have such easy access to His amazing sunrises and sunsets that were before me every day. Now my heart often aches as I see the somewhat hazy and subdued shades of a glorious sunset bounce off my windshield in the suburbs. All I can do is imagine just how magnificent it really is. I’m surrounded on all sides and it’s impossible to get the early or late glimpses of the day. But I remember a late summer vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 2 or 3 years ago. I was out on the beach quite early to welcome each day and take a walk on the sand with my heavenly Dad. (Which reminds me that I should dig out some of those photos and videos…just seeing them may cause my shoulders to relax and allow me to momentarily “feel” the heat of the summer in this cold, gray January.
Got up at 3 am to watch the sy rise at Haleakala on the big island in Hawaii.
My most intentional waiting for the sun to rise was on this last Christmas Eve. Several years ago, I began staying up all night on Christmas Eve. Once the grandchildren and children were “snuggled all snug in their beds” I go to the living room, sit in the recliner and bask in the glow of the tree, focusing on the significance of the evening. Granted, I don’t always stay awake the entire time, but I am always awake to see the sun come up through the window just to my right.
One beautiful evening while living in MI, I drove up to the bridge to visit some friends in the Upper Peninsula of MI.
As I stopped for gas, I pulled over the side of the road and watched the sun rise.
Many times camping out in MI I would get up early to see the glorious sun rises. God is the painter that shows us his many colors in the world he created.
I am so glad I had the opportunity to live in MI and see the wonders of the Lord.
I’m up pretty early every morning but don’t always take the time to watch the sun rise. But a couple of weeks ago when I oped the shades the sky was such a beautiful shade of peachy pink. I just stood their and enjoyed the show. Magnificent.
So blessed to have a little dog that brings me out many days just as the sun is rising. Each day different yet the same taking my breath away as the light slowly dispels the darkness and warms the day. Often I just stand and silently thank Him for the beautiful moment of a new day. I live along the river so often the light dances and sparkles across the surface! Thank you Lord for hope and a fresh start. Your mercies are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.
At my parents’ cottage…the sunrise just makes me think of God’s amazing beauty in creation!
I intentionally got up to see the sun rise this August when our family was on Tybee Island, Georgia. My children, some of the older grandchildren and I walked from the house we had rented, went across the wooden bridge and onto the beach. Up the beach we stopped and waited for the sun to come up, and what a glorious sun it was! Sun shining on the water reminded me that God is always there shining for us wherever we are. We just have to be there to receive His rays.
How beautiful is God’s masterpiece, His brush strokes as He created the earth and each stroke is so unique, like we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
I think of the time, a group of us took a mission trip to a First Nation Community, in Northern Quebec, where it is bitterly cold in April, (more so than Ottawa ON). A beautiful woman who came with us (who admittedly is definitely not a morning person), woke up early on the first morning, yelled out, “Kim, wake up, look at the beautiful sunrise!” What joy and laughter filled my heart.
I don’t remember the date but it was during the first year of my baby’s life. He had woken us so he could nurse and I could see the sun rising out the window as I rocked him and it was truly just a beautiful moment all around. My heart was filled with so much to be thankful for!
Camping it is a new day!
Hi Liz, I don’t remember the last time I intentionally watched the sun rise, but I do remember opening my blinds as the sun was coming rising an remember smiling and saying, “ Thank You, Lord!”. Looking forward to Mondays with you!
Your faith and enthusiasm is contagious !
If I am out early walking I will see the sunrise. It is always a beautiful sight of God’s creation. Good lesson today of the Lord’s presence in our life everyday. Thank you Liz!
Going to take the Monday challenge at 7:00 am Chicago time. Appreciate your faithfulness thru the years.
Resting in His Grace
I can’t remember the last time I intentionally watched the sun rise. I think it’s time to do it!
Easter Sunday was approaching – April 12, 2020. The Covid shutdown had been going on for a month, and there would not be a family gathering with kids and grandkids, nor could we gather in person with our church family. The weather forecast called for clouds and rain, and that pretty much fit my emotions on that Saturday before Easter. I told my husband that I still wanted to get up in time to see the sunrise. He was surprised because of the forecast and because he knows I’m seldom up before the sun. It was just something I wanted to do. Early on Easter we were on our deck, the skies were clear and bright, and the sunrise was beautiful! My husband read Matthew 28:1-10. It felt as if God was smiling on us, giving us this precious moment with Him, reminding us that the SON is risen! An hour later the clouds were low and heavy and the rain returned, but not before a precious, gentle reminder from God that He cares.
When I watch the sun rise it reminds me of another day of God’s love and forgiveness. Only God could paint a beautiful picture of the sun rising. Blessings to you Liz!
I watch the sun rise on a daily basis. It reminds me to refocus on the new day and the strides I must make to be what I believe we are called to do and that is to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Watching the sun rise also signals the start of a new day, and allows me to put away the things of yesterday that were negative and held me down to interfere with my growth, personal reflections and gratitude.
The sun rise changes on a daily basis depending on the moisture and the dust particles in the sky. Thus the beautiful sun rise, the reflection creating the color. It has been said red sky at morning sailor’s warning, red sky at night, sailor’s delight. As the sun comes up life is renewed, God’s creatures warm to its warmth. Birds begin to fly, bugs begin to crawl. As the sun rises, and the season change from Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall….its position in the sky also changes. When darkness turns to light it is a new day and God’s reminder we can begin again. May we all be blessed by the God whose wisdom and creativity is the source of light and life. Amen.
I’m never up that early to partake of God’s beautiful sunrise maybe tomorrow. I’m more of a sunset gal admiring the ending of the day.
I watch the sunrise when I take my dog out. It is very peaceful, but I can often hear the owls hooting and occasionally a duck. I live at a lake with very few neighbors, but on a wintry morning I am reminded ” God’s in heaven and all is right”
Just about every morning , and especially all through December, the first thing I do is to go over to the window and look for the bright morning star. I love that Jesus referred to himself as The Bright Morning Star! And over the treetops as I gaze at the star I can see the sun just starting to rise in colors of gold and peach and pink. In spontaneous joy I praise the Lord then for His gentle and lovely awakening of a new day.
I would love to have this devotion book. Since the death of my husband of 55 years (at his death) I have had a problem sleeping, so sometimes 8 a.m. is too early for me. If I have the book I can still keep up. Love your daily post on FB.
The last time I remember intentionally watching a sunrise was years ago. I went to Hawaii with my sister, Ali and we went on an outing to watch the sunrise at Diamond Head. We hiked up Diamond Head with flashlights in hand and then watched the sunrise. It was cloudy and then the clouds broke up and it was amazing! It was truly a blessing to see and marvel at God’s mercies that are new every morning.
I was driving to work for the first time since my dad had passed away. I clearly remember looking forward really absorbing the beauty in all the colors. With tears in my eyes I realized my life was going on without the one man who has always loved me unconditionally. I have always enjoyed sunrises and sunsets but that particular morning, it was really a beautiful purple. My favorite color.
My husband and I were at the Grand Canyon last February before all the craziness started. We got up early in the frigid clear air to see the sun rise over the canyon. It was glorious!!! We were so thrilled God help us get up to see it!
It seems a sunrise at the beach is not hard to wake up for!
Sooooo beautiful coming up over the ocean.
….but at home, I’m not an early riser.
Looking forward to your new book
(especially the bright yellow cover – my favorite color)
and hopefully I can be an early/earlier bird!
PS: Our Women On Mission group is studying your book,
More Bad Girls of the Bible, starting this Tuesday! Thanks.
looking forward to this new Mondays for Rise and Shine
I was fortunate to be in Texas for Christmas and on Dec. 26 she said come on mom we can go out to see the sun rise up the street- it was a special time (I hadn’t seen her (in person) for over 2 years, so doing this was fun- as well as being there for her birthday on 19th & Christmas – had to go home to RI on the 28th
It was just last week, after a new-fallen snow. The sun made the snow “glisten and glow”. Your devotion reminded me that the sun does indeed rise each morning, whether we see it or not. So like the love of God for us his “fallen creatures”.
Blessings on your day!
I actually cannot remember the last time I saw a sunrise. I see many sunsets, but I am rarely up or outside or at a window when the sun rises. My Aunt Jane saw the sunrise every day and I would see them every night and while she was still here we used to compare what she saw to what I saw, each thinking that the other had missed something spectacular!
My first “intentional sunrise” I can remember was an Easter morning when I was 5 years old. Mom took us to a Sunrise Service, all dressed up in our Sunday best! It was a crisp cold morning and I had to cover up my pretty Easter dress with a sweater, but it didn’t matter because everything else had caught my attention. The air on my face felt so special but strange. I remember so many things about that Service, but the most amazing was the sparkling sunrise coming up in total silence from behind a large cross! Not a wisper was made but it was speaking to us all. To this day, I can’t describe the feeling but I knew God was there with us! Praise Jesus in whom I will always trust! Amen. Love you Liz! Thank you for stirring up such a great memory!
The last sunrise I watched was in the car for a day long car trip. I remember thinking how wonderful that God believes in color.
This story is very close to my heart. In 2012 while vacationing in Kauai, my husband, daughter, son-in-law & I walked out to the ocean with our coffee on our final day to watch the sunrise and say goodbye to the ocean. While we were grateful for a new day, the sunrise was disappointing. It was dark and overcast with the sun just barely shining through the clouds. Sirens began blaring close-by. Little did we know it was a tsunami warning. Our only reference to a tsunami was one that occurred in Indonesia a few years earlier that killed hundreds of thousands of people. We were instructed to attend a muster where the military and police officers informed us that it wasn’t a matter of whether or not it would hit, it was a matter of when and how bad. We were stunned and our fear led us to accept that we may die that day-a thought that was difficult to grasp. Within an hour or so, safety procedures lead us 5 miles up a mountain, but were we safe enough? It was so surreal for us to find a little piece of paradise there-a beautiful park with a lake, rainbow trees, huge ancient trees with massive roots and blue skies, a stark contrast to the gloom overshadowing us. Each of us was processing our fate in our own way. I spent the day in personal prayer, trying to calm the terrifying thoughts that kept creeping in. I tried to distract them by spending time taking pictures of the beautiful trees. The time passed so very slowly, but by mid-afternoon, we were cleared to go back down the mountain. The tsunami had hit, but only created a 3.5 foot rise of the ocean floor that rocked back and forth until it settled back to normal. There was little damage. We knew it could have been so different and we were grateful for God’s protection. Once we returned home, I looked back through my vacation pictures and thought about the day of the tsunami. A close look at one of the ancient trees revealed a very small green seedling growing beside the massive roots. While the huge tree came to symbolize my life to that point, the little green seedling came to represent my “new beginning”, “new life”, “new start”-having lived in spite of my fear that I wouldn’t. It was a precious reminder that we serve a God of second changes, not only with our salvation, not only when we mess up, not only with “new beginnings”, but in so many other ways. We serve a faithful God.
About 3 weeks ago I watched the sunrise on a chilly morning before my kitchen had warmed for the day. I stood at my kitchen window so happy to have the brightness in my face and just closed my eyes and gave thanks for God’s provision of light and warmth and big windows.
This morning, January 7, 2021, was the last time I watched the sunrise. It was a glorious red-orange sky. After seeing the Capitol chaos/anarchy the day before, it was as if God was saying, “I AM here. I AM still on the throne. Be still and know that I AM God.” Such peace came over me. I am so thankful for His Presence and assurance.
Second try at writing here. I am not usually up to see the sunrise these days but on Wednesday as I was being driven to my post-op cataract appointment there was a beautiful sunrise over Boston. I was glad to not be driving so I could enjoy it. I would love an autographed copy of Rise and Shin. I had one before but gave it away as I often do with your books.
I look forward to Monday at 8 as I rise and Shine with you. What a blessing. Surprised to hear from you Praying for you as you are taking time to write.
thanks for sending the ‘As Surely As The Sun Rises’ 2021.
I was taking my new puppy out early in the morning and caught the first rays of sunlight. I was filled with awe at the majesty of our God.
Every morning that I drive in to work many miles to the east of my home, I savor the anticipation of the sunrise — my anticipation and all of creation’s! The sky subtly lightens, night animals slow head back to their day rest spots, and I gaze around in wonder at the shift, waiting and watching the horizon for the first glorious glowing colors. Impossible not to pray as that happens. I go in to work an hour early to avoid having to drive into the bright rising sun, but I relish praising God in that time that darkness recedes and glorious luminosity takes over again.
Believe it or not, I intentionally watch the sunrise every morning. That is when i get my spiritual exercise! AND I asked for your book, Rise and Shine for Christmas and started reading it New Year’s Day; I’m in sync with you, Liz! O would love an autographed copy to share.
The first full week of July this past year, we went to the beach. Every time we go, I make it a point to watch the sun rise one day — which comes pretty early on the east coast. But I love watching the dark sky becoming lighter, the clouds turning red, and fixing my eyes on the horizon waiting for that first sliver of the sun to appear. Always makes me think of Psalm 19:1-6. God’s creation is so beautiful.
I can’t remember the date. I was getting breakfast and noticed the sun coming up over the trees. I just stood there and watched it intently for a while.
It was just a heart-warming feeling, how the sun rises everyday on everyone. God is so good. He gives us so much that we take for granted.
Watching a sun rises brings a smile to me and a joyful step in my walk. Knowing that Jesus is the one the brings us this light, He is letting us know His is always here with us and that we can without a doubt depend on Him to get us thru the day.
My family went to the beach in October, and we sat on the sand twice that week and watched the sun rise. It was beautiful.
I frequently walk in the neighborhood early in the morning. I start out before the sun comes up, but on clear days there is a promise of sunrise in the eastern sky. After perhaps a quarter mile, I walk in a westerly direction. About half way through my walk, I turn back and walk facing east again. And there it is, God’s promise of a new day rising above the horizon. Sometimes it’s a big ball of brightness trumpeting through leafless trees, “All is well.” Sometimes there are scattered clouds and beams of colorful light that take my breath away and leave me marveling at God’s glorious good morning. I praise God and thank Him for allowing me to witness such beauty and comforting my heart and soul with His vivid reminder of His love and care for us.
The last time I remember seeing the sunrise and it stuck in my head was on one of our vacation trips. We hung out at a gas station and just watched the sun come up. I can’t tell you where we were going or even when but I remember that moment…peaceful!
One of the most recent intentional time of watching the sunrise for me was at the beach a few months back. It was beautiful. I kept thinking about the song “Indescribable”. Our God is so magnificent and His creation and all of His mighty works are totally “Indescribable”
For years I drove to work in Lexington, Ky. from Versailles. In the winter months I often caught the sunrise and was blessed to see the magnificent landscape in its glory. It always summoned praise to our Father for his magnificent creation and was a great start to my day. I have been retired 5 years and really don’t remember a time since that I rose just to see the sun rise. ;0
Sometime last year, my husband called me to get up and see this wonderful sunrise. It wasn’t very long after our son died after a long fight with cancer. David said look Steve is telling us he’s ok now. It was a beautiful sight.
My kitchen table is by a big window that looks over an open field behind our house facing east. I am fortunate enough to watch the sun rise almost every morning. I’m drawn to the sky as it changes color with the sunrise and awed by its beauty.
I’m looking forward to Monday mornings with you!
All the Glory we are treasured with us daily. I just ordered2 more books I get truly so much from your get together. I can’t pray enough for you
I don’t remember. In the summer I am getting ready for work and in the winter it is still dark when I get to work.
This morning. My grandson and I enjoy watching the sunrise as we wait for the schoolbus. It is wonderful to see all the colors that come from God’s paintbrush!
The last time I intentionally watched the sun rise was last June 2020. We (my husband and kids) had gone camping with my parents and my brother’s family (his wife and kids).
My brother and I sat in camp chairs at the waters edge of the lake and quietly watched the sun come up over the water, the birds take flight from sodden stumps, fishermen heading out in small two-men boats, and fish flopping in the shimmer of golden rays on water. He held his camera ready to capture each moment that spoke to him of God’s beautiful creation.
I sat and marveled how Great is our God and how thankful I am to Him for this moment on this day. And thankful for the very life of my brother – born with a heart problem (two open-heart surgeries 6 days old and 7 years old) and told he wouldn’t live to be 16. On this beautiful sunrise morning I was 47 and he had just turned 46. I just sat and tried to soak it all in…..all the colors….all the years…..all the moments…..and all the love.
Nearly every morning n my first walk of the day with my dogs! Many days too overcast to see completely. Nevertheless I feel His warmth as His light fills the world💛💛💛
Blessed 2021 to you and yours Liz!!
A couple weeks ago, while at the gym, I saw the sun just peeking on the horizon. The colors were majestic. I stopped to take a photo with my phone, noting the picture was poor quality. I posted it anyway nothing I was disappointed in the photo but never in God
I leave my home just as it’s getting light out as I walk to to my neighbors home. There I care for an elderly gentleman two days a week who has Parkinson’s. I talk to God as I see the sun come out on my walk. It is a refreshing few minutes to think on his glory and my opportunity to serve Him.
This past summer I was spending time in worship on my back porch and the sun was rising behind these tall trees 🌲 and in between the leaves the sun peeking through in the form of a cross ! My ❤️was full of His glory, joy and blessings. His presence was so beautiful that day .
Every morning I drive my School Bus, I’m in awe of the amazing artwork of God♥️….even all the dark shades before the brighter colors burst out…I love seeing them all…but I have to admit my favorites are the deep blues.
It was my sixteenth birthday and I had a slumber party
The last time I watched the Sunrise was when traveling from California (my place of birth) to Illinois where my husband had chosen for us to live. In the midst of all the new and strange people and places, seeing the beauty my God painted in the skies, helped remind me that even tho I was in a new place God still was with me, my God, the author and finisher of my faith, the God who knows my name and will be with me and carry me through. A new land, a new life, a new journey, but Praise the Lord with my God beside me, there is really no place I can’t go. Bless you Liz, and I will be glad to see you in Feb. 🙂
I’m not an early rouser so the last time was in 2018 on a trip to Austria and Switzerland when we watched the sun come up over the Alps. Absolutely God’s handiwork in full view!
Just last week I saw the most glorious sky, at sunrise. Beautiful red and gold in rich, deep color. I live in town so I can’t actually see the sun break over the horizon, but the glory of God’s creation is was seen. It a moment of true worship.
I intentionally watched the sunrise today. It was a welcome calm after the horrific events seen yesterday at the Capitol Bldg. We can face every new day with God in charge!
I haven’t intentionally watched the sun ride is far too long! Maybe my last trip to the beach. So much beauty and splendor in it! I’ve unintentionally watched it rise in my past 6 years of motherhood – up at all hours of the night with my babies. I’ve been wanting to get morning time in with God BEFORE the house is up, and watching the sunrise would certainly encourage me more.
The last time I watched the sunrise was at the Easter sunrise service. I love beginning Easter Sunday watching the sun come over the hills. It’s such a great reminder of how majestic our God is. I can never thank Him enough for His great sacrifice.
On Tuesday, January 5, 2021, I watched the sun rise. It was glorious with hues of red, orange and yellow. Our Heavenly Father gives us amazing glimpses of His glory!
As I travel each week to watch my grandkids for two days, I see the sun come up. I anxiously await the glow in the sky and then the sun bursts up! I am so grateful for the bright light the sun brings and thank God each time for its beauty.
As I waited for sometime for the sun to shine through, suddenly
the sun was “up and gone on” without me. But the beauty of the
sky still was there .
Every morning as I wake my daughter for school, I raise her bedroom shades, and the sun greets me. It’s my moment of “just breathe” and is my favorite view from our home. My little girl loves to see the many colors peeking through the tree line and named her view ‘God’s Morning Rainbow’ when she was four years old. She just turned 13 and still calls it that. Happy New Year, all!
I have never seen the sun rise.
It’s been a long time!
Our bedroom window faces east so every morning, I merely lift the shade and see the beautiful glow of Good Morning, Lord! Or Good Lord, it’s morning! I love the colors only God can make in the sunrise and glorious sunsets.
Oklahoma has the most outstanding ones I believe and it gives me goosebumps and a glory alleluia erupts out of my mouth!
I love seeing the sunrise. I have the a great memory of a sunrise. I had went to see my grandsons when they were small. One morning my middle grandson was awake and I asked him if he want to go and watch the sunrise with me. We got dressed quietly not to wake up the rest of the family. We went out and got into my car and went to a conviene store got some donuts and milk and went down to the end of the street so we could watch the sunrise. What a beautiful time with the sunrise my grandson, the Lord and me all wrapped up in a blanket with a breakfast and the sunrise.
Several years ago my husband and I wentp to the Grand Canyon. We stayed at the old Trafalgar Hotel on the edge of the canyon. We got up at 4:00 AM to watch the sunrise. Wow! What a beautiful sight! I have witnessed many beautiful sunrises as well as sunsets. God’s wonders never cease to amaze me whether sunrise or sunset, or double rainbows over the Dead Sea, God’s love and promises are all around us if we take the time to see.
So beautifully written my sister. Your words brought me to tears. Tears of refreshening, hope and gratefulness of the reward we have in Jesus Christ.
I have not seen the sun rise recently but I have seen the sun set and I am always overwhelmed at the creation God made. I am currently in the military and deployed and I am thankful to see God work across the world just as He works right at home. Liz, I am thankful for the gifts God has given you. You have the ability to take the gospel and show others the beauty in it. Thank you for that.
Last time I intentionally watched the sunrise: I honestly can’t remember!! My daughter got me a sleep mask so I intentionally don’t see the sunrise. But I do love a good sunset. Wonder what that says about me?????
Its been many years since I intentionally set the alarm for myself and my niece who was visiting us to get up before dawn. I made coffee for us. Then drove the few miles to the beach to watch the sun rise up over the Pacific Ocean. Everything glows, the sky, the water, the waves rolling on to the sand and the people sitting or walking on the shore. It was comfortably cool but not breezy that morning. Only the waves rushing in and out made any sound. We sat quietly watching the colors change. Just enjoying the special time and our coffee together in peace. I know I was thanking God for the moment.
I witnessed an awesome sunrise a few months ago. It was a testimony of God’s faithfulness, His sticktuitiveness. Always there for us in any situation. Never failing to be there no mater what. Totally dependable, always.
This wasn’t my last time to see the sun rise, but it is one my most memorable times a few years ago……It was when we had climbed up Mt. Sinai on our Biblical Studies arriving after sunset the day before. We slept outside on mats and under camel blankets and early in the morning we woke up and were directed up to the peak….we sat and waited for the sun to rise. It was hard to believe we were at the general spot where Moses and the Israelites had been.
Two mornings ago inScotland I watched the sunrise over the Galloway Hills. The hills were snow covered and looked like giant floating meringues. The birds were singing loudly as the sun broke the horizon it’s apricot glow hitting my frost covered windows and it beckoned me. As I watched it’s light hit the dark leafless trees changing them and revealing the choir who were nestling within them I was reminded of the fullness of Gods love that He would give me this blessing of seeing His sun rise which reminded me that His Son did rise and because of Him I have the privilege of being the daughter of The Most High God!! Oh what grace.
I can’t wait for your new study Liz. Your excitement over Gods word always fills me with joy and encourages me too. I share your posts with my daughters and granddaughter and we were going to try to do your study together this time even although we are in different locations. May my God richly bless you with grace , joy and peace in the coming year.
A few years ago I was on a mission trip with my church and there were several of us that were responsible for preparing all the meals. We had to get up at 5:00 am in order to get to the church to prepare breakfast. On our way we watched the sunrise!!!! It was absolutely beautiful and reminded me that God is always faithful!!! To anyone that has never been on a mission trip, think about doing that. You will definitely receive a Blessing by serving others!!!
It’s been a long time Liz. But they are a glorious moment when we can thank God for a new day.
When the weather permits, I walk very early as the sun is rising. It’s also my time with the Lord as I listen to my Christian music through my headsets. It is also the time I really pray several psalms that I memorized during this pandemic. There is nothing more beautiful as seeing the rays shine through the high clouds. Yes, each new day is a fresh start.
I cannot remember the last time I intentionally watched the sun rise. I’m always either to busy getting the day going or trying to catch up on sleep. I do know that in the times when I’ve happened to catch or notice the sun rising, it would take my breath away the beauty and peacefulness of it.
Such good words to read on a dark winter morning. Thank you for your positive outlook on life.
Good morning, Liz! Since I am always up before the sun, I watch it rise every day from my couch! God is a Master Artist who blesses us each day with a fabulous painting! Thankful for each sunrise, for sure!
The dawn always comes up and surprises me. I will wake in darkness and then take a quick glance out my window and there it is-the brilliant blue sky, with pink lines showing off in the winter glow. When I wake up early in the morning, I will sometimes tease the Lord by saying, “look, I got here before you!“ But he was there all along, even in the darkness. He is always there waiting for me, like the dawn.
My oldest son was taking me to the airport for my return trip home after spending Christmas with him and my precious grandbabies. As the darkness begins to take hold the impending light of the morning sun, my thoughts went straight to the beauty of His creation in the middle of OK. I reflected on how this is what it must have been like thousands or even hundreds of years ago. I simply thanked God for His beautiful creation and the light that shines in my life.
when I lived in my house I could watch the sun rise from my living room window. I would sit there every morning possible and have my devotions. It was a wonderful way to start the day.
I have since moved in with my daughter due to health problems, and I rarely see the sunrise due to the trees.
However I enjoy seeing all the birds flocking around the garden and I remember the joy of that sunrise. I do get to see the sunset, though, and it reminds me that God is with me.
Almost every morning I am given the breathtaking gift of seeing the sunrise. God’s creation is always amazing.❤🌞❤
What beautiful words…reminding us of God’s love and mercy through ‘it all’.
My rear windows face Southeast. In the leafy months the sun rises with a mottled artistic glory.
Now though, In full glory! Shining through the bare trees as it rises yellow & orange & pink.
Almost Every morning i sit where i can see out these window and watch the show. Birds provide the music.
Beautiful thoughts and what a wonderful plan to determine to spend each morning with our Lord-the bright and morning star.
Good morning Liz!
My family and I recently moved into my Grandmother’s house in October. This house as always been a “safe haven” for me. One of our bedroom windows faces east. Before we were able to put up blinds in the windows, the sun would wake each morning. Bright and warm the sun would fill our room, enticing me to get up and start the day. I am so thankful that God allows me to wake up every morning, safe and with my family. He is so good to me! His grace is sufficient and his blessings overflow with each sunrise!
Most mornings I wake right around sunrise. I go downstairs to hit the on button for my coffee. I remember the day after Christmas the sky was still dark but just a short time later when I took my dog out the sky was full of pink and purple colors. A beautiful site to rejoice in. 🌞
Thank you for sharing your heart.
The last time I watch the sunrise come up was the day of my sister funeral. I was little over a year older then her but at we aged she had so many health issues and end up in a nursing home at the age of 63 and passed away at 65. Growing up and as adults we were always together. The last 5 years of her life I was her care giver and visit her everyday put Sunday in the nursing home. I have 9 more brothers and sisters but she was the one I was always with. She passed this year March 18th 2020 from kidney and heart failure. I go to work everyday put I am in the building before the sun comes up, I think this weekend I will watch it again and remember ours fun times. I miss her so much. please pray for me.
Past year I have been asking Alexia to tell me the time of sunrise…. I love to watch it come up over Crowder mountain from my Den window.
Several times my children and I have gotten up at the beach early to catch the sunrise and oh my how God is so good. The beaming radiant light coming in from the window or the glow from the sea as Our Earth rotates to catch the Rhythms that God set into motion so many years ago delight me so.
God is good!
I was trying to catch a glimpse of Mercury, unfortunately it was partially cloudy and I might have seen it but can’t be sure. Then the sun came up. And the stars and planets winked out.
I was at the NJ coast in late Fall. Eager to see the sun rise, I grabbed a scarf, sweatshirt and gloves along with my coffee to see it from the beach.
The thick blanket of clouds diffused the sun’s dramatic entrance, but the colors swirling through those clouds reminded me of its, and God’s, presence always.
I love Gods timely words, spoken through his servants. I so desperately need to keep my eyes on Christ and not all the chaos of these days. I would love to have the autographed Rise snd Shine book but more than that I am lookinh forward to hearing you on Mondays!
When I was at the beach in October with my husband and daughter and her husband. My thoughts were how Gods love and mercy is new every morning! Thank you Lord Jesus❤️
Oh Liz how I needed your beautiful words to remember that the sun still rises even though I may not see it. These past few weeks of mostly gray days and depressing news have overwhelmed me. Thank you for the reminder that the sun, and The Son, are still ever present!
I know that it hasn’t been that long since I watched the sun rise; usually on my drive into work, but it seems like its been years. Watching the sun rise always puts a smile on my face. It’s the promise of a brand new day!
The last time I watched the sunrise, actually stopped and watched, as this past October. It was a chilly morning, and our family was gearing up for our annual tradition of making homemade apple butter. But this year was different, we couldn’t invite everyone we normally would, and not everyone we invited was going to come. I remember that morning, choosing to watch the sunrise over our family farm and grieve what should have been, and then thank God for what still was. It only took a few moments before the sun was up, and I was called away, but it was enough time to remember that He is enough, He is always with us. God, thank you for walking through this life with us, guiding us and comforting us. Let us praise you in the sun and in the storm! Amen!
My favorite book – I’ve read it several times. Would love to see another devotional book. My house burnt down August 20th and lost everything but I had let a co-worker take a look at my book and that book was saved (:)). THANKFULLY —
The absolute memorable sunrise that I intentionally rose to watch was on Maui in Hawaii. We woke up at 2:00 AM…yes, you read that correctly. The van picked us up at our condo and we traveled to the top of Haleakala volcano to watch the sunrise at the top! Oh my goodness….above the clouds..magnificent. It tops my list of sunrises 🌅.
Thanks so much for sharing this. My husband passed away in September and I’ve been struggling with the grief of being alone after 47 years. Thank you for reminding me that I’m not alone and that the sun still rises for me everyday.
I do like to see the sun rise every morning. Sometimes the clouds glow in beautiful colors ushering in the day. Other times they seem to be very gloomy, perhaps not wanting to wake up yet. But always the light of Christ shines in our hearts and does not ever let those clouds get in the way.
What a blessing to receive your encouraging email this morning. I needed it — to refocus my thoughts on Him instead of the upheaval going on in the world today. And I pray He become even more real to us than what’s going on around us. The Lord is good. He is steadfast and true. So thankful for that!
I last intentionally watched the sun rise March or 2018. I remember waking up early with my teenage daughter to pick up her friend before we drove to the beach. The sunrise was beautiful and the seagulls were close by enjoying the daybreak with us.
The Lord & I have a “special” connection with the sky…I remember a time several years ago when I was on my way to work & at the time my husband had recently passed away so I was having a really hard time driving since I was crying…I looked to the sky as the sun was peaking thru the clouds and praying out loud for God to help me thru this time & in my heart of hearts I know when I looked back up one of the clouds looked just like Jesus!!!!! I just knew it was God telling me he would NOT leave me & he WOULD get me thru this rough time in my life…WHICH HE DID!!!!!!
The time I watched the sun come up was when I went out to hunt. I just watched every thing come alive. The birds start singing & the sun slowly coming up. It was just beautiful.
Watching the sun rise every morning is woven into the time I spend with God in prayer. I sit in my sunroom looking out to the southwest and see the pink on the horizon as I watch the sky brighten and know the sun is rising. However, yesterday I intentionally watched the sun rise in the east. I longed for it. We are in a rut of gray days in Indiana. The weather report said no sun yesterday, but I saw that big ball of fire rise and willed it to stay. It didn’t, but my heart leapt for joy in seeing it. God gives us a fresh start and new hope everyday! I am grateful!
I was about 15 and wanted to see the sun rise. I got up earlier than normal and went out the front door and sat in my mom’s swing. I waited for the sun to peak over the mountain and when it did i was just amazed at how God uses every new morning to his good works. And what do I remember about that moment? I was amazed at how new and fresh the sun rise was that morning. I was amazed at God’s love for me to wake me up early enough to watch his amazing masterpiece with the colors of the sky.
In the winter months, I am up before the sun usually. The view from my bedroom window doesn’t give me a direct view of the sunrise, nevertheless, I often marvel at how the light gradually starts to turn the dark and gray scenery to technicolor.
This morning I made a special effort to be outside where I could see the sunrise. To my disappointment, clouds filled the sky. No beautiful rays of sun in pink, purple, orange, and other hues as is often the case here with a Gulf Coast sunrise.
I was a little downcast. And then I heard the Father say to my heart, “Look! There’s still light all around! The sunrise is sure, whether you see it or not. The clouds can’t hide that. I am faithful. My love is faithful. I will come, just as sure as the sunrise. No matter what “clouds” fill the sky.”
My heart leaped with joy. I smiled and then took a deep breath. Clouds over our nation and even closer to home can’t block the Son 🙂 What a gift this morning!
Thank you Liz for that email yesterday and the words from Hosea 6. Food for the soul and spirit!
Thank you for such heart-warming thoughts about our Lord. I especially enjoyed “As Surely as the Sun Rises,” because of all the “surely’s” (Shirley). May God continue to richly bless you each and every day -until one day we will see the “Son” coming!
The time I seen the sun rise was when I went hunting. I watched everything come alive. The birds were singing & the sun come up slowly. It was beautiful. When the sun came up, the turkeys came running right toward me. It was just a sight. Wonderful!
Your posts are always so encouraging. They feel like a breath of fresh air, so rejuvenating. Thank you for sharing your precious gift.
This past Tuesday, quite by accident, after so many gray Seattle mornings, the clues in the sky were sun kissed. And I marveled at the beauty. A glorious morning.
Liz, thank you for all your words and sharing your wisdom.
It’s usually dark when I get to work in the mornings, but our office windows face east. Even my co-workers who haven’t decided on where they stand with God never cease to be amazed with the beauty of that morning sunrise, and we ooh and ahh over the majestic view, and try to see who can capture the best picture with our phones. The beauty makes each of each us pause and rejoice, as well as refresh before the craziness of the day starts. Thank you so much for sharing!
Because of the tall trees in my backyard, the last time I watched the sun rise was when I was at the ocean. I watch the sunset every afternoon with a different feel. The sunset brings a promise of the new day, fresh and clean while the sunset closes the day with the reassurance that God has been with me all day and will continue to watch over me during the night hours, until the sun arises once again.
Normally, I am not an early riser so I miss that glorious sun rise moment most mornings, but while on vacation, life schedules are different! The sunrise that always comes to mind was viewed from the tiny balcony of a Myrtle Beach hotel…18th floor where the seagulls float by on the breezes. One morning in September, 2010, I was on that balcony, wrapped up in my beach towel anticipating the sunrise over the ocean….nothing to obstruct the view. As the dark sky began to turn pink with the rays of sun stretching out, the chilly air gradually became warmer & I literally shed tears at the beauty before me. For a moment I thought that this must have been like the moment in Genesis when God put the sun in the heavens to warm the Earth. As the Earth turned and the sun rose above the calm ocean, the sky colors were becoming intermingled shades of pink, purple and yellow…..just magnificent In just a few minutes the sun became too bright to look at full on, but the colors it cast on the ocean completed the splendor. Yes, that morning is ingrained in my memory forever!
The last time I intentionally got up to see the sunrise was probably in 2002, for an Easter sunrise service.
However, God has awakened me many times in the last 3 years to show me the glory of sunrise. The gradual disappearance of shadowy trees, the gradual lightening of the sky — beautiful. Thank you , Lord, you have created an amazing world
I watch for sunrise every morning as I sit in my favorite chair ,looking over a little lake and watching the sky turn such amazing colors. In my heart I sing “How great thou are!” and I begin reading the scriptures for the day.
A beautiful way to start each day, a fresh sunrise. This past summer, on our boat in the Straits of Mackinaw Michigan, the sun peaks gently over the horizon. I’m reading my daily Magnificat readings and it seems the sun slowly rises with each sentence. It’s a beautiful and peaceful sight.
Thank you Lord for every single moment !! Thank you so much Liz for all you do for us !!!
I love to watch the sun rise and set. The colors of pink, yellow and orange fill the sky many mornings as well as evenings. What a gift from our Creator!
Dear Liz,
I love reading your posts. They brighten my day and nourish my soul.
Thank you.
(your sister, Sarah’s good friend from NJ. Now living in Texas)’
The last time I intentionally watched the sunrise was October 2020 in Sedona and the Grand Canyon, I watched it every morning I was there. I am a beach sunrise girl because i live on the east coast but found the sunrise in Arizona truly majestic. What an awesome God we have who gives us such beauty. I was also blessed to watch the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean in July. Sunrises and sunsets are my favorite things to do and I am amazed at how different each one is.
The last time I intentionally watched the sun rise was last week in Jensen Beach, Florida. We were on vacation and my 18-year old son asked me to get up with him. It was a cloudy day, but we still got to see the colors emerge and the promise of all that God would do for us and in us that day.
This morning. It was so beautiful, I took a picture and shared it on Facebook.
Praise the Lord, He is so faithful.
The last time, and usually only times, I watch the sunrise is when we are traveling. Driving toward the sunrise, I praise Him for the day, and am usually asking for safe travels in the same breaths.
Starting my days with the Lord is my routine, but not one that is merely rote or “required”. It is wonderful to remember His love for me as I wake up to another day He has given me.
We have a lot of gray cloudy days this time of year, yet I recently saw a gorgeous sunrise it makes me think of God’s creation. I thank Him for my eyesight to see it, for His faithfulness amid the chaos in the world, and for blessing me with His big smile as He lights up the world. He gives peace, wonderful peace!!
I just read my email this morning. This is so glorious just like the sunrise I witnessed yesterday morning. Yes I looked up from reading my Bible to witness the beginning and just watched the sky begin to turn the beautiful hues of pink, red, orange, purples & blues were even thrown in! I was in such awe! I am blessed to have a sunroom where I study each morning and even on those gray days – like today – just watching the world come to life is amazing. I truly am blessed beyond measure! Wish I could send you a picture because my limited vocabulary can hardly describe the Master’s paintings!!!
Just a couple weeks ago, I remember being amazed at the beauty God provides each and every morning. The colors were beautiful!
I watched the sun rise at our camper at the lake. As it peaked over the horizon things just seemed to come to life. How truly beautiful!! Every moment it changes ever so little, making it’s way up to a new day! Awesomeness!
Hello, I wish I could say I remember a time when I intentionally watched
a sunrise, but I can’t. I would love to see one, to see God’s beautiful work
in person would be wonderful!!!
In Hawaii two years ago on the north shore of Oahu. I’ve seen a lot of sunsets over the ocean; this was the first sunrise. What a magnificent view of God’s creation coming awake for the day. As the song says, “God’s recreation of a new day.”
My desk faces to the east, so I see the sun come up quite a bit! We have had many cloudy mornings lately, so I am looking forward to the next beautiful sunrise. When I see it, I’m in awe of God’s creation, and the light and warmth the sun give us. It’s an instant mood booster!
I live in a basement apartment and my door and windows are on the south end. There are trees around so I don’t really get to see sunrises or sunset unless I am away from home. I enjoy the many on FACEBOOK. I have enjoyed all three days of your Bible studies. I didn’t get to see all of them. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the new one. My daughter bought the 31 verses for me for Christmas.
Our college aged granddaughter lived with us for three months last fall. We rose early those days, so she could catch her online classes….they were one hour ahead of us! We enjoyed many sunrises together. God is a beautiful artist.
Just this morning I watched the glorious sunrise over the Chocolate Mountains. You know what made it sooo amazing and inspiring? Clouds. Yes, there is awesome beauty gracing the misty clouds and smoggy air.
In struggles, agitations, sorrows, and challenges look to The LORD. You will see not only a silver lining but a golden glow.
Bless you Liz for sharing your sunshine.
I have been ill with sever sinus infection since the beginning of December, and the doctor put me Prednisone, as well as antibiotics. I was consistently waking up between 3:00 and 4:00 A.M. and after laying in bed in the darkness for another hour to “rest” I would eventually get up to darkness and begin my morning reading routine. Every sunrise felt like such a blessing that I would pray, “Thank you, Lord, for your light!”
I love you, your blog, and your writing, too!
The last time I remember intentionally watching the sunrise was The Fall of 2019. We were on a 21 day cruise of The Norwegian Fjords and Jewels of the Baltic.
Each morning I would look out my balcony door and see the sun rising on a new beautiful port.
I felt so incredibly blessed to be able to experience the Glory of God’s creation in each of these incredibly precious places so far away from my home in Auburn WA.
And to Wonder at His love for each person I saw each day.
I intentionally watch the sun SET almost every night over Lake Ariana, in our backyard in Auburndale, FL. I take a lot of pictures and share them on Facebook with my friends. I think…how magnificent in God’s artistry and handiwork. He paints the sky with so many colors! He blesses me with His creativity! I have a serious liver disorder that I’ve been dealing with for over 2 years now and I praise God for each milestone and set backs because HE IS FAITHFUL!
The last time I intentionally watched a sun RISE was in Daytona Beach a few years ago from our hotel window! And thinking…
“O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, HOW GREAT THOU ART!”
I love the sun and like the Lord‘s presence the day is not the same without the sunshine. When I do purposely look at the sunrise its always a beautiful sight. It assures me of God‘s presence and that he is always faithful. Nature is such a beautiful way for God to display his power and glory
I’ve seen many sunrises, but one I really liked was off the coast of Biloxi, MS. We overnighted there and drove to the dock to watch the “real” first Sun rise in the United States;) I held my phone camera out the window and captured it on video. It was freezing, but so worth it. Knowing God’s promises are new every morning, brought tears and emotions that morning. Thankful to be alive and an American.
Many school trips we took towards chicago, the sun would rise n just take my breath away. The beauty, the awe, scenery just knowing jesus is with us! What a miracle!
Nicole, response to Biolixi is right on, sunrise is so amazing the colors, quietness, taking your breathe away… karon
Living in Alaska means it’s easy to watch the sun rise in the mornings during the winter. The sun rose this morning at 10:18am in Anchorage so I don’t have to get up early. The most beautiful part is when not only the sky turns pink, purple and orange, but the mountains do too because of the light reflecting off of the snow on them. God is the most creative artist and His work is beautiful.
I regularly see the sunrise – I have a new puppy who needs to be out early! But even before that, it has become my new habit to wake up with scripture and prayer. What a burgeoning peace I am experiencing, what calmness and mindfulness has helped me to start my days and persists throughout. Knowing that God loves me and has daily guidance/grace for me is such reassurance. I truly enjoyed hearing you speak, Liz, in Fargo, ND and have followed your Facebook messages and still read and reuse the books I purchased. God’s blessings to you as you continue to teach and instruct us all with such joy!
Liz, I think the last time I watched the sun rise was when our family was traveling for Christmas a couple of years ago. I was feeling thankful for life, for my family, for Jesus. 🙂 Nothing profound…just thankful.
In late spring, summer, and early fall I enjoy watching the sun rise as I walk the dog. Each sunrise is different. I always think what an amazing artist God is. I just thank Him for the beauty.
Our bedroom faces the east so we get to see the sunrise quite often. I am always looking for “red in the morning, sailors take warning”. While that happens some days, usually we are blessed with other beautiful colors. Blessings on the New Year!
I accidentally noticed the sunrise early one morning this January. As I crossed from the bedroom to the kitchen the faint glow of the promising sunrise in my eastern facing front door prompted me to draw closer. Then in the matter of seconds the bright orange and yellow that reflected off of the low hanging clouds put on a spectacular show as if it were just for me! What thankfulness I had in my heart for God’s magnificent creation as I started my day!
Last week actually I intentionally stood at the window watching for the sun to come up over the cloud bank because I knew it would be a glorious God inspired sight. I have needed a little more encouragement these days of caregiving for Mother who is turning 100 on January 11 and with her decreasing memory and hearing it’s getting to be more and more of a challenge every day even though she is still pretty self-sufficient. I am so blessed to still have her with us, but I do get weary occasionally at the constant issues that come up. I thank Jesus every day for all of my many blessings I do actually have in my life. And you are one of them dear Liz.
My birthday is Monday January 11th! I sent a response in briefly earlier, but didn’t elaborate. I have an upstairs half dormer in a farm house where my bathroom window faces a field that used to be “hay-ed” & an orchard grew. The Blue Ridge mountains are in the background and provide lots of picturesque views that God forms. Because its the bathroom that I frequest first thing every am, I see a lot of sunrises and usually grab my camera so that I can share the great view with my friends on facebook. I normally am up early because I travel for work, have to get up to go to work locally or I am just up answering Mother Natures call. I am more of a night person, I love quiet but i’ve found that early to bed means early to rise (like with the sun) and there is quiet time to be had then too. I love the sunrise. I grew up near the beach in my teen years and loved sunsets. But as I grow older I am in awe of how God paints the sky no matter what weather is ahead there is always a sunrise. (takes my breathe away) Thank you God!
Im not sure ive ever had the experience 😂. But it encourages me to take the time, to make a choice to worship this way
On vacation to Myrtle Beach, the sun was supposed to RISE at 0630 am so I got up and put on my bathing suit (didn’t forget the room key, car keys, cell phone and purse). I always leave my beach items in the car(beach umbrella, towels, beach chair and blanket). I traveled the 1 mile to the beach that morning after getting my cup of coffee. I had checked the weather report the night before too. I parked the car paid the parking fee and set up on the beach in the direction of sun rise. I had my cell phone ready. A younger lady than I walked by and we said our “Good Mornings”. It was beautiful sunrise with the sun peeking over the horizon and just a few clouds for the sun to play peek a boo with. when it was all over the lady walked by on her way back to the parking lot and she had combed the beach for shells and she had found LARGE Conch shells and she SHARED with me. It was a beautiful morning watching God’s creation unfold in Light and in His Love spread thru a stranger!
Two summers ago at Myrtle Beach. I always rise early and walk on the beach with the Lord. Something special about the quiet and the roaring waves and the beauty of his handiwork
Sadly, I dont think I have ever seen a sunrise, if I have, I dont remember, perhaps I should try someday. What do you love about it, Liz, I imagine God cant wait for you to rise in the morning , you have a way of making people smile, even and especially our Lord.
We have beautiful sunrises here in New Mexico
I honestly cannot remember the last tIme I saw the sun rise. I will need to set a date so that I can. Love the way you bring a verse to life for me! Thank you ❤️
During a sunrise that uncertainty is luminous. Watching the sunrise has helped me see light within myself—potential, possibility, peace, and the feeling that all will be well.
God is good!
This past spring I started to delve into the mysteries of the most holy Rosary. Each morning as I would sit on my swing sipping my coffee, and I would pray on the life of our most precious Jesus and watch the sun or should I say “Son” rise over the trees in our far back yard. It was the most beautiful experience. I would intentionally look at the sun and say, “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.
Where we live here in Texas we often have the opportunity to see glorious sunrises by just stepping out our front door. They are worth noting because one is never the same as another. The colors change as the sun makes its entrance. I marvel at the beauty God bestows on us and look forward to the beauty of heaven he has prepared.
The last time I saw the sun rise was at Litchfield Beach, June 2020. I sat on the balcony and was thinking about COVID and my daughter had just announced she was pregnant with her 3rd child. As the sun rose, it was God telling me, He was with us, He is Faithful and His Promised are true. Beautiful beginning of a beautiful day!
July was my last month in our Kentucky cabin and I will be forever grateful for the time God allowed me there. My favorite spot on earth was the front porch swing with its amazing view of the rolling Kentucky hills. I have witnessed the most amazing sunrises and cherish the time I had pondering the fact that I am His child. I would feel the warmth on my left shoulder as the sun appeared. Then it would be time to play “We Shall Behold Him” and weep in awe of what He has done and what He promises.
This morning I took my walk as the sun was rising. It was cloudy and I didn’t see alot but just the peace of walking and everything waking up was very special to me. !
So excited for a new book, new perspectives. I love your bible studies.
It would have been kn August. During the summer, I sit kn my deck and do my devotions. Because the sun is up early enough or coming up while I’m out there. Right now I’m driving to work when it’s still dark out. During the months the days are longer, I tru to catch the sunrise every morning. To me it’s a promise of bee opportunities. Seeing the sun pop over the horizon reminds me “joy comes in the morning.”
I am always up before the sun rises, but the last time I paid attention to it was when I was still driving in to work each day (pre-covid). The sun rise over Minneapolis from a high rise building is so beautiful! It always reminds me of God’s promise to never leave me…hope for a new day!
I am so thankful that every morning the Lord wakes me up early to have my quiet time with Him. I look at the sunrise almost every morning and they are glorious! I look forward to Monday’s with Liz. I love all the time we get to spend together and you are a great teacher.
Sunrises are a glimpse of God’s Majesty and His faithfulness to create a new day, a new start for all. Each one is special when I think of them like this.
Thank you for beautifully illustrating His world in your photos and reminding us that this is just a reflection of the beauty that awaits us in heaven!
Thanks for reminding us of His longing for our fellowship, His faithful forgiveness of our shortcomings, and the peace that awaits us when we walk in His ways, guided by the Holy Spirit.
The New Year may bring hardships and challenges, but thanks for reminding us of God’s ever present love and presence, if we only turn to Him.
It was this last Wednesday on my way to Mayo in Rochester. I was so excited to be able to get out in the open view of the country and see the sunrise transforming. The sky was gorgeous with all the pinks, lavenders and blue’s. The clouds were persistent but I did get to see some of it.
Dearest Liz, You are always so encouraging to me. I spent a week at Ormand Beach a couple of months ago. I am an early riser every day, but it was so special to wake each morning to the sound of the surf, sip my tea, talk to the Lord and watch as the sun made its glorious appearance each morning. I live on the Gulf Coast so it’s normal for me to see more sunsets than sunrises, and while they are beautiful also, I appreciated the feeling of, “I have a whole new day”! Thank you for your continued dedication to us and God!
When I am at the beach I am up every morning for the sole purpose of watching the sun pop up! It is so amazing. I have not been to the beach for a while. Time to go back!
Ah, on my first vacation as a widow I arrived a day too soon and there was no vacancy for nearly a hundred miles. So, I chose to sleep in my car in a small secluded park on the edge of Lake Huron. The night was beautiful and the stars were bright but the car was not comfy. I did dose off – several times in fact but I was awake and I realized the sun would be rising soon so I got up and walked towards the water. Then as I saw the suns rim I was overwhelmed with a feeling of complete joy. It was a warmth for my hurting soul. I remember it was like God was smiling on everything and in my soul all at the same time! It is not forgotten. On my bucket list, is to go again, to a waters edge on the sun side of my state and this time purposely be there to walk the sun rise again. Thank you for bringing this memory to me this morning Liz!
I see the sun rise most mornings, but I have two that I would like to share. Except for 2020, I have invited my ladies Bible study group to our lake house in the fall for a retreat to start each new year. In the early morning we wrap up in blankets and go down on our dock to watch the sunrise. We have a devotion and sing songs of praise to the Lord. One year we were singing “Awesome”. On the last note of the song, the sun burst forth as though the Lord was thanking us for our praise. Awesome! At our last retreat, we were singing and watching the sun come up. there was a jet stream going up in the sky. One sister said, “Wouldn’t it be awesome if another jet stream went across the first jet stream and made a cross? “. In another second, this actually happened! There was a cross in the sky above the sunrise. God never ceases to amaze me!
It was in 2010 when my Mom and I went to the Grand Canyon. I left Mom sleep and went out to see a sunrise over the amazing canyon. I wasn’t the only one and it was beautiful—photos could not capture it. I remember thinking that the sun rises like this every morning of our life and just like we can count on that we can count on the Lord being with us. We don’t have to be in a special place. We can be with him anytime and anyplace!
I try to spend my quiet time with my Father every morning as the sun rises. Each one is so beautiful and different!
Right after the time change, walking to work. It is always a glorious sight. I’ve always loved surprises and sunsets, and have always considered them a gift from God.
We have a second home in Northern Wisconsin. I have watched the sunrise over the lake or the snow covered frozen water a few times. I have tried to capture those moments with my camera, but now I just watch and be present. Going through my mind are the words “His mercies are new each morning.”
I’m a Morning person! I rise early!, but I have never watched the Sun Rise!!
With no concern I know the Sun will rise! Oh I’m excited to watch the Sun Rise!!
The sun is just starting to come up as my husband is leaving for work during these winter months so I usually only catch a quick glance. I love days when you can slow down and take in all of God’s beauty. Love the devotion this morning, just what my heart needed.
Northern MN provides some amazing views of the sunrise. My bedroom window faces East, so I am often awakened by a gorgeous painted sky.
My photos can never adequately capture the beauty of God’s paintbrush. His blessings are new every morning.
Once again, thank you for your words, Liz!
Being a night owl I am afraid that sunrises are a rare occurrence for me. My husband, who is an early riser will tell me how beautiful the sunrises are! I have seen them a few times when we have been up early for special occasions and they are truly a sight to behold. Thank you for todays devotion. It beautifully ties God’s Word to the sunrises that I should try (really hard) to get up to appreciate! Thanks Liz!
I don’t remember the last time, but I remember the glorious ness of it. It starts slowly then continues until it bursts forth victoriously. It always brings to mind the song 🎶 “Morning has broken…..Thank you for sharing.
The sun comes up over a hill and woods. Sitting on our porch at the back of our house you can see it coming up through the trees. As it tops the trees it bathes the porch with its light and warmth. The birds are singing their greetings and you know ” God is in his heaven and alls right with the World” as a poet once said.
At the beach last summer ❤️
My family and I were going to an home builders convention. We were coming into Texas and the song Ammorillo by morning was playing on the radio. The sun was coming up and it was breathtaking. You certainly couldn’t deny God’s handiwork. Without saying a word we all took a breath and thanked the Lord for such a beautiful sight.
Thank you Lord. Amen.
The last time I intentionally got up to watch the sun rise I was on a cruise ship with my husband on our way home from Mexico that was what we loved to do. He passed 5 months later so now I try to get up and have my dog out just to see the sun rise nothing is more beautiful than a sun rise or a sunset.
I woke up on October 1, 2020at the beautiful Rockport, TX home of a dear friend. My husband and I had taken a quick trip down to the coast to visit our friends and to celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary. Though it was early, I decided to go sit outside and watch the sun rise over the water. It was a beautiful morning. Calm, Quiet, Peaceful, Inviting. As the sun rose, it’s beauty reflecting in every ripple of the water was a reminder of how the love our Lord isn’t just the magnificent sunrise, but the reflection of His love in every little ripple of our lives. Refined gold does not have the beauty of a Sunrise over the Texas Coastline, and a Sunrise over the Texas Coastline does not compare to the beauty of Love of our Lord. It was that morning that I chose my “One Word” for 2021 – Arise!
Sunrises and I are not usually compatible. However, I used to drive to work in the early morning hours and the one time I remember best, I was driving by the small lake I passed every day and there was something in the lane ahead of me I couldn’t make out. Just as the sun peeked over the hills I got close enough to see it was an eagle with a huge fish in his talons. It was so big he couldn’t get very far off the ground so I drove slowly behind him until he veered off into a tree where he sat to eat his prey. It was one of those moments that will always stay with me.
I love watching the sunrise over the Olympic Mountains. The two songs that always come to mind as I watch the colors of the sky change are Majesty and How Great Thou Art. I’m looking forward to our next time together. .
In the morning when I rise (reminds me of one of my favorite songs 🙂 I look out my bedroom window every morning to see if sunrise has begun and if so, I stand there and enjoy the gift of seeing what a beautiful view God has given me to start the day. I often open the window and take pics with my cell phone…. I then head to other end of house to make coffee looking out my kitchen window to see the rising process. Many mornings….. I throw on my shoes and out the door dressed still jammies and walk to back of house and take it all in along with taking pics.
If I was tech savvy I would attach a few views from my window .
Before my husband retired last spring every morning I always quickly made a pot of coffee then with a cup of it went outside with my dogs and sat on the steps behind our garage and enjoyed 15-30 minutes of outside – watching the sun rise, the dogs play. Now my husband who is an earlier riser gets the dogs out every morning so I don’t go out. Why don’t I? I should get out there every morning. I loved that time.
The first time I purposely got up early to watch the sunrise was back in 1977, when I was a teen camping with my parents in Yoho National Park in BC. We all got up before dawn to follow a naturalist through the forest to a hidden lake, surrounded by mountains. As we approached the lake still hidden she asked us to close our eyes as she led us to the waters edge. I remember walking from the coolness of the forest and into warmth as she asked us to open our eyes. There before me was the sun rising over the mountain, shining on the lake and I stood in awe of my God’s creation. The peace that overcame me was incredible! When I’m sad this memory helps me to remember my God and the peace only he can give.
Liz, Your question made me think hard about the last time I intentionally watched the sun rise. I have to admit, it was some 30 years ago, when I purposely made up my mind to go to the beach to see it come up over the horizon and watch it as it met the water, and shone on the waves. As you can tell from how long it’s been, I was a much younger gal then. I longed to see the sun come up over the water. No more purpose in it than that, as I did not give much thought to it being a purposeful action created by God. Now I long to do it again, and realize as I’m doing it, that if not for God, that beauty and majesty would not be so sure. I could not count on it coming up each day if not for the love of the Lord. HE put that sun in place to give us warmth and light. Oh to have known then what I know now; but then even that knowledge is part of God’s gift to us in due time, when He gives it to us.
I watched the sun rise just last week. A beautiful sunrise, this time of year, where we live is rare as we usually wake up to cloudy skies. I was truly reminded of the goodness of God! I grabbed my phone and captured a beautiful photo.
Probably 2 years maybe when I was at the beach thats usually only time I get up that early. Thank you for giving us a chance to win.
My husband and I intentionally watched the sunrise this year Jan. 1st. It was glorious, we had a fire in our fire pit and ‘renewed’ together. Only God can make the sun rise.
The last, sunrise — I was taking a 5:30 am Amtrak to stay with my very pregnant daughter (and family). We have now been blessed with a healthy new grandson. Finally Arriving home to join his sister on Christmas Eve, after a long prayer filled delivery. No matter what time of day, joy follows adversity. Gods Grace !!
This verse from Hosea has been in the back of my mind for awhile as I’ve wondered what usefulness, if any, I have as I daily become an older person. Seems to me that pressing on to know Him will result in knowing more of His heart and ways, which will be shared by word and example with those I interact with. And that’s reason enough to live. Thank you Liz, for writing about this verse!
Since retiring, I haven’t seen many sunrises! But I have enjoyed looking at the sunsets and the glory of His handiwork in the skies!
Thank you Liz, for continuing to share your heart with us. You are such a blessing ♥️
It was over ten months ago. Just before I fell and broke my kneecap. I love to see the sun rise. To enjoy the promise of a new day but since I fell I don’t sleep and pain keeps me from rising early. I miss those days.
Because of some knee pain, I recently slept the night away in my recliner. Upon waking I looked out the living room window to see the glory of a sunrise. It’s not “a sunrise.” It’s His sunrise, His colors used so beautifully, His creations found in nature. I marvel at what the Lord does with colors and all the plants and animals He’s placed in nature. He has the master hand of an artist no one can begin to match.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I watched the sun rise. I work night shift so I’m not usually an early riser. I do remember the most memorable sunrises I’ve ever seen. Many years ago I was in Hawaii and I would sit on the balcony of our hotel room and watch the magnificent sun rise.
Goodmorning Liz. Since I retired to take care of my mom I don’t rise early. Instead I anticipate a full moon phase. I can’t remember the last time I saw the break of a new day. I’ll set my alarm for Mondays at 5 a.m. to catch your broadcast in February as I’m in California. It will be a blessing to not only start the day, but also, the week with a group of women thirsting for more of God’s Word. Thank you for all that you do.
I try to get out of bed just in time to go to my living room window which faces the east and watch as the sun is just beginning to peak over the horizon. I always have my camera ready and have taken some spectacular photos of the sunrise (and sunsets too). Both the Son and the sun bring comfort and peace. Along with the sunrise I love looking at the clouds – covering the sun or encircling the sun or is the sun all by itself shining and bringing light and warm today? Praise God for His perfect creation!
Every morning, with coffee cup in hand, I look out my sunroom window. And look at the morning in awe of the beauty before me. And that God has given me another day to be His servant. God’s blessings upon you, Liz as you serve Him in the building of His Kingdom.
I watched the beautiful sunrise this morning! And every morning I manage to wake up in time. My front window faces east, so I can’t miss it!
Good morning Liz,
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! for opening my sleepy eyes to the message from Hosea! I’ve read this verse a few times or more before, but you have aligned the Light right into my eyes—-and I am so thankful you did! I’ve watched many sunrises in my life, some were especially beautiful, but I always looked at the rising sun through my sleepy eyes and foggy brain. Thank you for bringing Light to this beautiful verse! I can hardly wait until tomorrow to watch the sunrise with a new appreciation and understanding. I love this verse! As I read the part of the winter rains and spring rains, as I thought about those days and realized that the same glorious Light rises on those days to; we may not see the light, but it’s always there. And that’s how life can be; for those of us who are believers, the light is always present, even when clouds pass through . We just need to look beyond the clouds as the clouds pass by. There have been many clouds on my horizons lately; thank you for this wonderful reminder that the Light is always there, and that it’s the Light we need to draw near to as we allow the clouds to pass on by. Blessings Lizzie,
I occasionally wake up before the sun rises, I saw a beautiful sunrise a few weeks back. I enjoyed the peace and quiet as I drank my coffee watching.
I last enjoyed a beautiful sunrise August of 1977. This wasn’t an intentional attempt. My Dad had a massive heart attack one day in August. Being raised Catholic, my little, puny, Jr High mind told me to pray hard on my knees with both arms stretched out to the side. Our family did. I couldn’t sleep that night, so I stayed up and I saw that beautiful sunrise. It was mesmerizing and I thought it was the most beautiful of all the sunrises I have ever seen. I was telling the Lord to please make my dad better. It was also the day when the Lord decided it won’t happen. Being poor, my dad worked himself to death to put us (4 kids) to good schools. I wondered why the Lord didn’t hear my request or turned it down. Was it because of the way I knelt? The way I held the rosary? Because I wasn’t the easiest kid to raise?
I have come a long way. I still have a lot to learn about my God, His super loving and forgiving nature and the way who He really is , apart from my feelings. I didn’t know that silly, “boy-crazy”, little junior high, was still stuck in that lonely place…. and this was all triggered by one word, Ms. Liz posted : sunrise. Thank you, Ms Liz, for letting me visit that lonely place and making peace with my past. The Lord turns everything, even the ugliest, into a reminder of His faithfulness and love. Now, I look forward to those beautiful sunrises with anticipation and great possibilities., this time with my awesome husband, 2 grown boys and a lil cutie pie of a grandchild…. God is good all the time 🙏🏻❤️🙌🏻
The last time I intentionally watched the sun rise I remember feeling the warmth warming my body and soul. Thinking how many people were being touched as I was at the same time as me by this awesome sun that the Lord had made. To even try to fathom the Ins and outs of it is completely mind boggling to say the least. What an awesome universe, earth, etc that our awesome God has made!
Looking at the sun rise through the woods I thought of the little birds sleeping all night going to their feeder for the usual black oil sunflower seeds and we should give thanks for everything and be like those little birds happy to have food.
God is involved in the smallest details and looking at the sunrise brings hope of a new day having faith in Jesus in good times and bad.
The sunrises I especially remember were both vacation times. One was on a glorious beach in Dauphin Island, Alabama and the other in the stunning San Juan Mountains in Telluride, Colorado. Both were magnificent and each brought peace to my soul as I reveled in God’s presence, majesty, and awe.
I’m not an early bird but I remember a cruise I was on a few years ago. My friend and I got up early as the ship was docking at Nassau and the sun was coming up just as we docked. We were both in awe of God’s beautiful sunrise and so glad we had gotten up early.
I am a ‘night owl,’ so I don’t often see the sunrise. When I do, though, I am ALWAYS in AWE of God’s GLORIOUS HANDIWORK!!! There have been times that I’ve actually been up through the night to see that beautiful sunrise! Many times in my early days of motherhood, I would be cradling my wonderful son and watching God’s BEAUTIFUL SUN. SWEET MEMORIES!!!!
It was this morning! My thoughts were what peace we can have when we stop to see His faithfulness. There’s a blessing for such intentionality and beautiful encouragement to my day.
I am not on Facebook, but always love your emails and lovely pictures. Each one shouts, look what God did! Ta-da!
The last I watched the sun rise .we were at the beach on vacation and I was sitting on our balcony at our hotel reading my devotion and praying and when I opened my eyes there was the sun beginning to rise and shine over the open .I thought my how beautiful and thank God for his creation of the sun and the beautiful ocean.
The devotional on Hosea 6:3 and the accompanying pictures are outstanding!
Daily I’m up before sunrise to tend to my beloved feline friend. I have my quiet time in the front room which faces East . Daily I watch the sun rise. Last week I was particularly moved by catching a glimpse of cotton candy pink stripes splashed upon the slate grey canvas. Moments later dark clouds burst with rain. I love the way God shows me His creativity with a new painting each morning.
Each day I see a sunrise and the beauty of it I think of the verses from Lamentations 3:22-23: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
The last time I waited and watched the sun rise was November 28, 2019. I was on Siesta Beach in Sarasota, Florida with my entire family. It was Thanksgiving morning and we all arrived at the beach together to watch the sun rise. I remember being so very thankful for that morning and our trip to Florida. The whole family hadn’t been together for a holiday in 22 years. I thanked God for giving me this time with my family, 3 children, their spouses, 3 grandchildren and one great grandchild. What a glorious time it was. As we walked along the beach, we gathered sand dollars, part of God’s beautiful creation. It was a beautiful morning celebrating God’s love for His children and His created world. So very thankful!
I can’t remember watching the sun rise at any time in recent years. I remember seeing it rise on a lonely drive home from visiting a friend at college, many years ago. I chose to leave in the wee hours of the morning (against better judgement.) To keep myself awake I sang show tunes, (The Fantastiks) all the way home. I remember watching the light slowly fill the world and outline the spiderwebs on the trees, bringing color to the sky and grass. My eyes were heavy, yet the light was beautiful and diffuse in early morning fog. All the while I drove, singing, “round and round ‘neath a magic spell, velvet gown, pink lapel, life is a colorful carousel, reckless and terribly gay!” It felt like a magic spell cast over the world, chasing the light all the way home. I’m sure God was with me on that drive, bringing me safely home, despite my reckless behavior. He was with me then, even if I didn’t know it. He is with me now, and I am forever grateful for his presence.
The last time I watched the sun rise was the day I went for blood lab work in a bus. It was early in the the morning on a beautiful Monday morning 🙂. I could see God’s paintbrush strokes along th horizon. Different hues or colors invaded it. I was inspired to use my watercolors and paint the horizon for n my journal and thank him for his faithful love.
Liz, Thank you for sharing God’s Word. It nourished my soul. God’s Word eases my worried and anxiety ridden mind. The last time I intentionally watched the sunrise was more than 4 years ago around the time my father-in-law was sick and died. I used to rise early to go for a walk and pray to God. I so need to draw near to Jesus this year through the daily reading and studying of the Scriptures. I am looking forward to Rise and Shine Mondays.
I can’t remember when the last time I watched a sun rise, maybe a little over a year ago when we were at the ocean. But lately for some odd reason I have waken in the middle of the night and looked our my window after making a trip to the little room. What I saw was simply breath taking. The clouds had separated just a bit. The moon was shining brightly. It gave a reflection on the edges of the clouds. It was amazing, beautiful and a spectacular sight to behold. I thanked God for sharing that sight with me. The next couple nights I awoke again and found myself eager to look out the window. I was not disappointed. The daylight hours were cloudy but the night time presented a different picture. Thank you Lord for allowing me this pleasure of wonder.
I am blessed to have windows in my office at work that face the sunrise and for that I am thankful. God’s sunrises are beautiful, a good reminder for me to thankful, Oh Lord Jesus please forgive me when I complain, for I really have nothing to complain about, I need to remember I am blessed and be thankful that His mercies are new every morning!
Thank you Liz, so excited for February
Thanks for all you do
With intention I rose early this summer while in Maine to watch the sunrise over the lighthouse. My husband by my side, in silence. This sight never fails to fill me up! Hope!
I am not an early riser but a few years ago, a friend and I took a hike up to South Mountain in Phoenix, AZ. We had to use flashlights to guide our steps on the path that leads up the mountain from one marker point to the next. We reached the first crest and the sun was just coming up. You know when the sky is orange and pink before the sun rises, that is what we saw. My friend doesn’t attend church, she says nature is her church. I stopped and praised God for His glory and my friend was in agreement with me. We took photos of the sky that day and it is one of my favorite photos ever. Thank you Liz for your devotional this month. I am encouraged to have a closer walk with God.
I can’t remember when I last intentionally watched or even saw the actual sunrise. I see the early morning sun as I drive to work, but often kinda just gripe that it’s below the sun visor and in my eyes. I do love the morning sky, though, and the evening sky, which I see driving home from work. I’m always in awe at God’s handiwork, the beauty, the vastness, the splendor. How humbling!
I watch for the sunrise most mornings as I sit at my desk by an east facing window. Especially during these winter months when the sun peeks up just about the time I arise from my “quiet” time with my Lord. It’s sorta like He is saying “Good morning, My daughter. Go on now and enjoy your day.”
I usually see the sunrise on my way to work. I will be listening on my lunch break.
I believe the last time I saw the sunrise was when I had to go to a city 75 miles away for a MRI – on my brain to check if the growth in my left ear had gotten larger. Thank God that it had not increased in size! Others are still joining me in prayer that the growth will not get larger.
I’ve seen the sun rise many times in my life because the Lord wired me to love early mornings. So I must confess that watching the sun rise this particular wintery cold morning was not intentional. It was part of my daily routine. Instead of rejoicing in the day He had made, I remember quietly thanking Him for His grace and mercy and forgiveness because I wondered if He would take me home by that afternoon. I know that may sound strange but from Dec 2-Jan 1 six of my dear friends lost a son, two fathers, an uncle, and two husbands. The days have been heartbreaking, filled with grief and sorrow and a lot of casserole deliveries. With so much death surrounding me I couldn’t help but think of my own. But the Lord had an intentional simple reminder for me as the sun rose that morning: Rejoice always and fear not! While our circumstances and lives constantly change, we can worship and praise the One true God who never changes, the One who is Sovereign over all things-life and death- and the rising of the sun. And that’s a reason to rise and shine…
The last time I intentionally watched the sun rise was on February 3rd, 2013, as I sat by my Dad’s hospital bed one early morning. He was dying from complications of Alzheimer’s and he was already awake, looking intently at the sun coming through his window that morning. Since he was already awake, I got up from the chair I had slept in the night before and sat closer, and we talked. He couldn’t really talk by that time, so it was more of a grunt or gutteral sound that came from him. But he could nod his head and smile, and we had a good talk. I told him what a good father he had been to me, and how much I appreciated him. We prayed, too. Thank God for a devoted and faithful Dad!
I am no longer an earlier riser but the Son rises in my heart each day and paints his creation to shine brightly.
It’s Been Years, However, My Fav Are The Sunsets On Our Lake ~ God’s Handiwork At It’s Bestest!
This Christmas my husband gave me a picture he taken out the airplane window. He took it a couple of years ago……We were close to Dublin Ireland and we looked out the window to see the sun rising above the clouds. The sun was on the horizon and the colors across all the clouds were simply beautiful. I remember we talked about what a blessing it was to see that and we thanked God for the beauty. Only God could have painted that picture! It truly was an honor to see. Now I have a picture I can see all the time.
Just this past Friday, I watched looking for hope in the new day as our dear friend, Linette, was taken from this world after a long time of relentless suffering following her double lung transplant in September in Indianapolis. She came down with meningitis, had mersa that amputated a part of her foot, on dialysis, using the breathing machine , and most recently having gotten Covid and pneumonia. Upon seeing the sun rise, I asked the Lord to be with her parents, family, friends, and coworkers. She was like a sunrise…..warm, giving light with her humor, being hopeful, a breath of fresh air. She will be missed, but she would want us to go on…..sharing each new day and being light to one another.
In the summer months my husband, my mom, and I go camping and fishing. I can remember waking up early to go fish with my mom. The sun was just coming over the horizon and it was a magnificent shade of orange, red, and yellow. On the land down from it were three bald eagles!! I couldn’t believe it, three of them!! Wow!! I thought how blessed I am to see this and we immediately knew God had given us this perfect sunrise and perfect morning!! God is so good to me, always!!
I hate to admit this but I have never intentionally watched the sun rise. How sad is that? Perhaps I need to place that on my to do list soon!!
Each morning I sit in a chair where I see the day dawn, and I watch for the sun to color the sky. Sometimes the clouds cover, but night has never been able to keep light from breaking into the new day.
Thank you for your thoughts, Liz. I feel like you are a friend.