I love making lists: grocery lists, packing lists, shopping lists, to-do lists.
Back in the day, lists were all about pen and paper. Now they live on our computers and smartphones, which makes it so easy to move things to the next day or the next day or the next…but hey, let’s talk about procrastination another time.
The Bible has lists too. The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) , the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12), the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). And, of course, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17).
The Big Ten are mostly “You shall not,” and for good reason. God was laying down the Law. It’s a sobering list for this Former Bad Girl who broke all but one of His divine commandments. Am I grateful for His grace? Every minute of every day.
Over in the New Testament I discovered a different kind of Top Ten: the One Anothers. They’re all positive, proactive, productive….and yes, possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. Imagine what might happen in our homes and churches and communities if we started following this list.
1. “Love one another.” John 13:34
Agapaó in Greek. Love in any language. Not romantic love or physical love, but a love wrapped in respect and esteem. This isn’t something we merely feel. It’s something we actively do.
2. “Accept one another.” Romans 15:7
Just as Christ accepted us, we’re to make other believers “welcome” (CEB), to take them along side us, to “receive” (ASV) them as brothers and sisters, as blood relatives, because they are.
3. “Live in harmony with one another.” Romans 12:16
Harmony doesn’t mean singing the same note. It means singing different notes at the same time to create a harmonious sound. The Lord calls us to “consider everyone as equal” (CEB) and to “live together in peace” (ERV). Remember the old song, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me”? Right. That.
4. “Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10
Okay, this one is harder, since it goes against our all-too-human nature. It takes humility to give others “more honor than you give yourself (ERV) and to “excel in showing respect” (GW). How do we get there? We “practice playing second fiddle” (MSG), content to let someone else take a bow.
5. “Instruct one another.” Romans 15:14
Yes, we’re called to “teach” (CEB) one other, but the original Greek goes deeper. It means “admonish, exhort, warn.” We are charged with “advising one another” (MSG) and “keeping each other on the right road” (Phillips). Not by guilt-tripping, but by guiding. Not by criticizing, but by counseling. “Speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15), we can help one another grow.
6. “Be kind and compassionate to one another.” Ephesians 4:32
We may laugh at the overused phrase “I feel your pain,” but that’s what compassionate people do. They’re “tenderhearted” (AMP) and “forgiving” (NLT). They feel viscerally and they care deeply.
7. “Offer hospitality to one another.” 1 Peter 4:9
I’m not a Martha. Not even close. But for God’s people, hospitality isn’t a suggestion; it’s a commission. Do it. “Practice” (AMPC) until you can “welcome one another into your homes without grumbling” (CJB). Hospitality isn’t about what you serve; it’s about who you serve.
8. “Spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24
In the same way spurs can get a horse moving, we’re called to jab each other until we do the right thing. For some of us, “charity” (DRA) doesn’t come naturally. We need a little motivation—even provocation—to get on with our “helpful deeds and noble activities” (AMPC).
9. “Submit to one another.” Ephesians 5:21
Don’t let that word submit throw you. It’s a mutual thing, meant for everyone, and done “out of reverence for the Messiah” (ISV). When we “obey each other” (ICB), when we are “courteously reverent” (MSG) and “put others first” (CEV), we honor our sovereign King.
10. “Encourage one another daily.” Hebrews 3:13
In Greek, parakaleó paints a vivid picture of someone who walks close beside you and calls out encouraging words—while you do the same. Together you “admonish, urge” (AMPC), and “keep each other on your toes” (MSG). Not just occasionally, but “every day…as long as there is still time” (NIRV). There’s still time, beloved. Let’s spend it well.
Lord Jesus, please write these commandments on the tablets of our hearts. Enable us not only to remember them, but also to do them. Let Your love be our motivation and Your Word be our constant inspiration.
In May we did a lovely giveaway. Our friends at DaySpring created an easy way to encourage one another daily with two dozen greeting cards for every occasion. I bought a box for myself and loved it so much, I bought five to share with you!
We chose five winners at random: Kimberly, Tessa, Kari, Elaine, and Kim. Congrats to all!
Until next time, bless you for giving me the joy of opening God’s Word with you.
Your sister, Liz
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Coming up on my calendar:
May: Tours of the Villages and Abbeys of the Scottish Lowlands
June: Speaking at the New England Christian Writers Retreat
July: A beautiful new edition of Really Bad Girls of the Bible
I loved reading this list. I was surprised recently when someone told me that I am an encourager. I hadn’t really thought of myself in those terms but after reading your post today I realize that my daily prayer is that I might be just what you have listed. Thank you for the confirmation. I find myself looking for opportunities now. God’s love needs sharing.
I love this list of helping ideas! Thank you.
These are good reminders of the power of one another– God gave us the provision of companions that speak truth, show love, encouragement, grace, and kindness as we walk this narrow road together!
I used to be so good at writing notes to others to encourage, uplift, celebrate, or thank…lately, not so much. I need to slow down and take the time to so this. It is a way for me to show my love, thankfulness, appreciation, and encouragement to others. Thank you for being my confirmation reminder today!
There are so many ways for us to learn…… Liz makes it easy!! I’m so thankful for her heart to teach us!!
I am so thankful to have realized that my life is not about me, myself and I…my life is about glorifying our Father, Son and Holy Spirit! These scriptures and messages are beautiful encouragers. He has given us all gifts to share with one another . Thank you Liz for your beautiful words encouraging me to arise each day rejoicing and saying “Tada! “
I love your messages! I just finished your book “One Size Firs All”. I borrowed it from a friend who bought it at a second hand store. I live in Ontario Canada. Do you know of a place where I can purchase my own copy? They don’t have it at Chapters. I love it so much!
As I was reading through the list my heart took flight. You see I’m a wife whose husband is in assisted living so we are apart. A mother to 2 mentally challenged adult children. Mother- in-law to 1 mentally challenged daughter – in – law . Also grandma to 2 mentally challenged grandchildren. I know that after reading this you will think wow she has her plate full. But God is the BEST.
#10 “Encourage one another daily!” Hebrews 3:13
God places someone in my path daily to encourage me to keep going. Good Christians brothers and sisters that don’t even realize sometimes that what they just said or did just uplifted this sister !!! I pray that I can do this same things for others too.
Wow Barbara, you just encouraged me in the fact that the petty little things I may be going through are nothing compared to what God is walking you through. When my times are hardest, I reach out to God’s right hand as He offers it in Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you, fear not for I am your God, I with strengthen you with my victorious right hand.” Blessings on your day today!
Lord. As I go through the day, let me look more at your lists instead of My own. If I keep my eyes on you, everything else will follow and I long for the peace and love you give.
What a wonderful reminder of how much further I need to go every day. I need to encourage , even when I don’t feel like it. To love, even when I don’t feel like it. It isn’t about how we feel. It’s about obeying the list.
There are three lessons that u ave made an impact. The first one that God used was “Spur one another on in love and good deeds” Hebrews 10:24. He showed that even when we are having just one of those days. We need to encourage others on to do well! He showed me that this an act of love.
The second one that He taught is for when I head to Seattle Romans 15:7 lesson will be used to help me to understand, accept, and get to know the other summer staff members more. God is so good in the lessons He teaches us as a body of Christ!
The third one that He taught me is for when I will become home sick! The lesson is Hebrews 13:13, God is so amazing on how He shows us how to love others when satan tries to discourage us. When I get like that I head to God’s Word and then focus on others by encouraging them daily.
God is good and an excellent God!
I loved reading through this list, and I loved that thetre are 10! It’s always good to see where I am in line with God’s Word, and where I may need to focus more. Like hospitality. I have my family over, but have not ever considered having anyone else over. Since it is “commissioned”, and now I know that, I guess I will have to! Praying now for an opportunity to be hospitable !
God revealed to me that it isn’t about me and it never was. Thanks for this lovely giveaway!
What a revolution there’d be, Lizzie, if we’d carry out the “one anothers” unconditionally. The extent to which I follow these commandments seems to greatly depend on who I’m interacting with. Sadly, I often am the least loving, kind, encouraging … with those I’m closest to.
Thank you for this! I needed the “one another” reminder today.
I am so lucky to be a part of a group of women who do these things for me all of the time and allow e to do the same for them. We share so much together and love each other enough to be honest about our faults and our gifts, which can both go unrecognized. This list just further cements the fact that we are doing the right thing according to God.
I like the harmonious section. It is so important to realize that it isn’t all about doing everything the same exact way but doing it for the same reason…….Jesus
Thanks, Liz, for encouraging us to act as God intended . I’ve learned that if we listen for God’s will and put Him first, our lives will fall into place. If we treat others according to His plan (your list above), we will be extending grace as He extended it to us. Wonderful reminder!
Thank you Liz for sharing thru this Bible study post that God’s commandments didn’t end in the Old Testament but continue on to the New Testament. I’ve enjoyed reading this post and am going to share it with my Bible study group.
“Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10
Helping and serving others when they need encouragement is the least I can do, outside of prayer!
Just smiling at someone in a store may just be the first smile they have had in days.
We never know the pain and suffering of this world until we reach out!
How true! A smile changed my life when a teen!
Thank you for your insight regarding encouragement, I never seem to do this enough for others and of course I love it for myself. Thanks for a reminder to be the encourager!
Hey! I want to win that little prize. Pick me! Pick me! — but really, I did truly enjoy reading this list/post. I will be printing it off and hanging in our employee break room. The flower photos along with each point just made me smile. Nice job.
your post just gives me a hunger in my soul to open the Word this weekend and drink it all in. Thank you for the beautiful way you open it up to us and show us what God has shown you.
Liz, I think those ’10 Ways to Help One Another’ make for a healthy approach to lving!
Thanks so much for another encouraging message.
I love all the beautiful flowers too!
The crux of applying these truths in my life on a daily basis
is seeking the Holy Spirit first! We all know that our own efforts to be holy never work! But day after day I forge ahead trying to be loving kind selfless etc. on my own.
So, Thanks Liz for reminding me to seek the power of the Holy Spirit before I open my mouth to endeavor to do any
thing else.
Beautiful as always. Have a lovely time in bonnie Scotland…encourage the sisters as you always do! Those of us staying home this year will be praying from afar.
OOHHH I missed the cut off date of March, as I did not receive until now in May! (I am Canadian too so I don’t think I qualify anyway!)
The Lord Jesus is Re-teaching me to respect and submit to my husband; not that I was awful or mean or nasty, He just said I need to polish up my act. So to apply this to others too, well it will make Him shine through me to those around me in my area and circumstances.
Thanks for the suggestion to submit to Jesus and re-learn those precious lessons of putting others first!
Dear liz
I enjoy hearing God’s word explained from you . Thank you for being faithful . The 10 ways to help one another is a good way for me to start . God bless you
Very encouraging message today and very timely for me. I think the one that I need to work on the most is honoring one another above ourselves. I find it hard to come in second in some of my relationships and will be taking that to God and asking Him to change that in me. I guess I see it, as becoming a doormat to others, instead of seeing it as a way to lift them up and see them as our Lord does. Thank you for the much needed reminder to get on my face and place it in His hands. Love that little box set!
Thank you, Liz, for sharing these “one anothers”. What a great reminder of what God expects of us. I’m looking for more opportunities to be an enourager. As a start, I shared this on my FB page. I’m sure it will be an encouragement to many of my friends.
I am reminded once again that it is much easier and usual for us to follow these guidelines with those who are friends or for whom we hold high regard. It sometimes takes a conscious effort to follow them with those who we think are unlike us and for whom we hold some preconceived negative regard.
This list is a good reminder on how I can serve others, love and help others at my church.
“Playing second fiddle”. I’ve always had a hard time with that one. My human spirit wants to say, “Hey wait! What about me! I can do that too!” I have to remind myself in every situation in my life that God has me right where he wants me. He didn’t forget about me. And it doesn’t take away from me to be encouraging to someone else and be happy for someone in the spotlight. Great post today, Liz. And thank you for the lovely give away. Would it be bad if I want to win it? 🙂
As God continually tells us throughout scripture…it’s all about love-His love for us, our love for Him, and our love for others! Oh, if we weren’t flawed we could practice this every hour of every day without fail! Thankfully, because of His love for us, Jesus redeemed us, and we were gifted with the Holy Spirit to nudge us when we are being less than loving! God’s love is everything…let’s share it!
I admire how you are able to pen such beautiful words. This study is such a great reminder to share God’s incredible love with others. I used to be so involved in women’s bible study and mentoring women but got so busy in “my” own life/routine that I wasn’t reaching out anymore. By reading this study, God has shown me it’s time to get back to His calling of hospitality, encouragement and loving others. This has been a sweet morning with Jesus and I am grateful you shared this study.
Dear Liz, I still share your story of being in a pit and people calling down religious things versus the one person who climbed into the pit with you. It’s a word picture that has stuck in my head and helps me to encourage “parakleos” others better. I never want to shout Bible verses from up top. I wanna be the kind of friend who gets dirty in the mess. Thanks for being you and being real. 🙂
Thank you for sharing insights with all of us. So many times we miss things that God meant for us to grasp, sometimes it takes ANOTHER person to pick it up and pass it on. This lesson brought me to realize more than ever just what my purpose as a Christian in today’s world truly is. Be ye kind…be ye not “da judge” !!
Hi Liz,
I really liked the reminder in number 4. In our busy lives it seems that we are often all about ourselves. I like that we can still do good for others and not have to even give it a second thought about being recognized for it. I am content with doing on to others, as I would like them to do on to me.
Thank you for sharing your life. You will never know how similar some of life experiences have been and through your teachings na my many blessings from God, I know that I am ok.
Liz, when I read your post it made me think of the lists that I make, do some and then put the rest off ‘until tomorrow.’ Some of those items can be done tomorrow, others I found out I didn’t need work at them at all. This is the same with God’s lists. Each one of God’s lists we more than likely do and don’t even realize it. But the main idea in each is Love. Each of the Fruits of the Spirit…Love. The Beatitudes….Love. The Gifts of the Spirit….Love. The Ten Commandments….Love. They all contain Gods’ Love for us. To make us better and to (yes) Love each other and ourselves. Lists are good. And doing them without realizing it is even better. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Thank you Liz for reminding us to always treat others with kindness and respect. Thank you for also citing the Bible verses that you reference in your eloquent writing.
#4 To honor others above my self with humility is probably the most challenging to me. If I could accomplish this it would cover many of the other points. Beautiful post!
Would love the cards, too. 🙂
I love this list and I am going to print it out. #7 I need to be more of a Martha ! I think I am in my heart but need to be in my actions.
As I read 10 Ways to Help One Another, I am again amazed at God’s absolute perfect timing.
I have recently had the opportunity to serve my sister is Christ by giving her a ride home to pick up some items and then back to college. I was excited to help her out in this way at first, but then other plans came up. As I contemplated what to do with a double scheduled day, I had a strong urge that I need to help my friend in need instead of sticking to my selfish schedule.
It was way out of my way to drive my friend home. Not to mention, the weekend before finals, when I should be studying. (Ok, who are we fooling, I was not going to study that much anyway. )
I am ashamed that at times, I do not have a desire to help people. Then I think, wait, it makes absolute sense that I do not have a desire to help people because I am a sinner.
The bible is filled with verses about living sacrificial lives for friends, family, and complete strangers. The only reason we are able to love in this way is because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).
Thinking about the typical Sunday School phrase, “What Would Jesus Do?” I know that I am called to care for, help, sacrifice, and love those around me unconditionally. I am called to live a life like Jesus. And that will not be easy! Jesus went away from the norm of society and broke many cultural barriers to show love for those who least deserved it. I am called to do the same.
This study has shown me my sinful nature and brought me once again before God in repentance. It is challenging me to love others sacrificially. To deny my own schedule, wants, and preferences in order that Christ may be reflected and glorified in my life.
Thank you!
Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for us by dying on the cross, an excruciating death. We too can sacrifice for each other, the supreme way of sharing our love.
Jesus Christ died an excruciating death on the cross as sacrifice for our sins. We too can make sacrifices for each other. What better way to express our love
This list helps us to love like Jesus. Which should be out aim. In all things. At all times.
God has given us so many wonderful ways to help each another, each of us needs to be shown love and encouragement from time to time. An added benefit is that doing something good for another person gives the giver such a positive feeling also. It takes practice and forethought in everything we do and say to continually recognize and remember the many ways we can be a blessing to another.
One of my BFF’s is very ill – was in the hospital for a week, and now has had to replace her larger bed with a hospital bed. Giving her bedroom sanctuary a clinical look, along with the oxygen machine and feeding tube apparatus and supplies. I had a new twin-size bedspread, sham, & curtain set I hadn’t used – I took them to her a few days ago, along with a stereo component set I wasn’t using (music is one of her passions, as is mine, and her set had quit working), her fave Mexican meal, a book (another passion) and some flowers from my mom. Numerous fave pleasures for her bedroom confinement that brightened the room and her face also – she was ecstatic!!
Thanks, Liz, for all you continually do for others!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity – I love sending cards with encouraging verses/quotes !! Love, hugs, and prayers!!
Dear Liz, Thank you! I needed those sweet verses today! You are such a wonderful encourager!
Just wanted to let you know that your lessons always hit home. Isn’t the Holy Spirit wonderful that way! Thank you for letting Him work through you. I especially like the way you use several translations of the same verse to help make the meaning more clear. Prayers and best wishes are being sent your way.
Ah – the one about harmony struck a chord – and I would have to say that is a hard one for me. I sing soprano – and while I enjoy the harmony – it seems that sopranos often lead. Occasionally, they need to follow – and allow other people to carry the melody. I also find that difficult – and so will contemplate these verses – as I feel there’s a whole lesson to learn just about that! Thank you Liz!
This Bible study reinforced the idea that God is a god of love, acceptance, and inclusiveness instead of hatred, intolerance, and divisiveness that we hear so much of right now.
Thank-you for the reminder of the richness available in life to us if we walk the walk of a Godly woman according to these verses. I need these reminders daily, or maybe hourly!!!
Thank you for posting 10 Ways to Help One Another. I am but a sinner trying to live like God wants me too. This helps. It brings things into
a better perspective.
Liz, I LOVE what you said about living in “harmony” with one another. Music speaks to my soul, and I love great harmony. God gives each of us unique gifts, and as we contribute to the Body of Christ with our different gifts, we all work together to make wonderful harmony. May we appreciate the differences within the Body, and the uniqueness God has given to each of us.
I love the idea of a “one another” list of things to do (as opposed to the “not do’s”). Most meaningful to me is “encourage one another.” I have relied on many a sweet word from a sister boosting me up to face my trials, and I, likewise have cheered a sister on. I find most encouraging those times we pray together. Knowing a sister is beseeching God on my behalf does a heart good.
Live in harmony ~ I certainly know what harmony means in music. However, in life, I’ve twisted it by thinking it meant I had to “sing” the same.
Thanks for the gentle reminder that we are all here to praise Jesus and encourage one other. I can do it best when I am myself.
Thank you, Liz, for such a timely reminder about humility and serving “one another.” It’s great to have such a compact list all in one place 🙂
Wonderful reminders of how much we need one another! Thank you!
Beautiful post. I am so thankful for those who are available to counsel and guide me. I hope I can do the same for others.
The “positive” big list puts our focus on others and sees people as the treasure God made them to be. How grateful I am for grace that views me as a beautiful new creation in Christ! Thanks, Liz, for the lovely pictures and equally lovely thoughts.
I really like the list . A wonderful way to remind myself of others and not think only of me. A perfect list to print out and look at it regularly so that it becomes part of what we should do daily. Thank you Liz.
All of the way to help others were interesting. I especailly liked the explanation in #10 of what the Greek word actually meant.
To “be there” for someone, even if it isn’t convenient. To laugh with and cry with one another. Seeing one another as Jesus sees us; totally forgiven and righteous because of all that Jesus has done for us. Loving one another even with our imperfections knowing that we are all on the journey together with our faithful Lord leading and guiding us every step of the way.
I love what you share Ms. Liz regarding 1Peter 4:9. If speaks to me where my focus rest currently. I’m working on a little study about serving,hospitality,and spurring “one another” on -through the lens of Ms. Martha. Consider Martha, with her servant heart didn’t have an issue with busily preparing dinner for the Savior of the world. What she was ” bothered and distracted by (Luke 19:40) is serving ‘alone’! We need each other … this is why Jesus took the time to send out the members of his first church plant (Luke 10:1) 2×2 so we wouldn’t have to serve ‘alone’. 10 ways to Help one another … Love this -thank you for all you do to do just this!!
Not always easy, but, oh, so important!
This was a fabulous reminder. The hospitality command…Wow. it has been on my heart with my neighbors. I want to follow through! Thanks for the encouragment!
This makes so much sense, and it was easy for me to understand. The “One Anothers” would only come in the New Testament because the Holy Spirit didn’t come until the New Testament times. That is why the “One Anothers” list is so different from the Ten Commandments list. They were encouragements, so different from God’s “Laws” of the Old Testament. And the Holy Spirit came to encourage the followers of God in the New Testament. Thank you, Liz, for an easy-to-understand lesson.
By encouraging someone everyday I encourage and bless myself in the process.
Great reminder and awesome list! Thank you! Always enjoy your beautiful photos of flowers.
As long as it is called today…yes, encourage and build one another up when the world seems to do the opposite. So important. I want to remember more people with a simple card. They seem so appreciated when we get so little good mail these days! Something to hold in your hands and show others if you want.
Safe and delightful travels in Scotland! Will miss being a part of it this time!
Encourage one another is a very important admonition and one I seek to use in my life.
I feel like these are all telling us to think and do for others above thinking and doing for ourselves. It is more a struggle for some than others, but most of us should be doing more of it. Instead of just saying, put others before yourself, these are specific ways we can do so. This was a good reminder for me.
The list is a wonderful reminder to me personally. I will be sending this to my small group so we can “spur one another on”. Thanks, Liz!
As I was reading this, I thought about the opposite of each “one another” (love/hate; accept/judge, etc). It was easy for me to see where I was off track by looking at it this way. I love this list!!
At my sister’s during the days after her husband’s funeral. Just read this to her and his daughter, and we all agreed that we need to refer to this list everyday. Also agreed that the list is just what we are doing during this time of healing. Made us all smile and appreciate this time together.
Love this list, Liz. I have never put these commandments together before. I need to make some adjustments, I think.
Hi Liz – Love your list of ten so well I’m sending them to my best-girl friends and looking into those DaySpring Cards! God’s love in us is like the fragrance of a beautiful flower 🙂
This list of 10 is full of grace and truth. Thank you for sharing with us!
The Lord showed me alot on each of these ten points. My understanding is more complete on the “one anothers”. I am going to print them out as a reminder and something to follow. I also want to read and pray about each of these verses. Thanks, Lord, for giving us greater understanding thru your servant, Liz.
Thanks so much Liz. The bible shows us again and again that it is never about ourselves but always about the ‘one another.’ Christ died and rose again for the one another – to be a true follower of Christ is to be one who cares and loves one another, who lays down their life for one another, who encourages one another, who looks out for the welfare of one another….and so the list goes on. We encourage one another by sharing all that God is doing and saying and how His amazing love for us is revealed every single day, and how His voice speaks to us in so many ways if we only listen. How blessed we are! I praise Him for the ‘one another’s’ in my own life and for the blessing that they are to me and that I am to them.
Sometimes I need to be reminded to accept others!
Never thought of all the “one anithers” found in the New Testsment. God is prodding me yo open my home to my neighbors, people I do not even know. I actually love to show hospitality to “one anothers”. Never have I invited a group of women that I don’t know, but I actually promised to just that at our January women’s conference. Our speaker, Page Hughes wrote a book called Party with a Purpose. I will have a party with a purpose…gotta choose a theme and specific purpose…then invite them. I pray that many will come…and I pray that Hod will be glorified by all that is done and said that day.
Excellent reminders that my focus needs to be on others.
Liz, I too love to make lists! I like the way you open up God’s word in such uplifting, encouraging ways. This top ten list is a keeper!
Thank you,
Living in harmony with one another…something that our congregation is living out. It amazes me how our Lord puts together so many people with so many personalities and gifts to serve Him with excellence. Thank you for this study!
Immediately I read this positive list of commands one really jumped out at me. It was this Accept one another. A dear fellow sister in Christ will be leaving our church at the end of the month, for the sake of family commitments. As we were chatting and I told her I would miss her and that whenever one of our number leave, I grieve, because I know it will be family I will be missing. She said something so so sad to me. It cut right to the heart. She said: I have so few REAL friends. Then I asked: “do you have friends where you are going?” She again said: “No, none.” This is WRONG on so many levels. Even though she does not attend my small group and I did greet her when I saw her in church, I felt bad. Really bad. She may not have been someone who on a human level I would normally choose as a friend. I am speaking of a close, close, close friend. We are different is so many ways. We do not think alike at fundamental levels. But she is FAMILY, CHRISTIAN FAMILY, and I felt so bad that she had felt lonely while among us. I realised this is NOT RIGHT. And I am sorry LORD. I have sinned in not making MORE effort, MORE accepting of her. You know LORD that I do love her, that I will miss her, but she doesn’t. Please help me to do better.
I so amdire these 10 positives to strive for daily, to hide in my heart, and to shine like Jesus. I thank the Lord who works so lovinly thru you for us. Thank you Liz. I’m going to print this out and have it next to my Bible.
Living in perfect harmony with one another is something I look forward to in Heaven! It is something that we get the opportunity to try to do better each day on earth. For me, too many times, I have thought that being a ‘doormat’ was living in harmony – sad. I was believing lies that my opionion, wants/desires (even God-given) did not matter becuase I was the youngest, being female and needing to be subordinate to males, not the best able to express myself because … that does not matter now and you likely can fill in your own past thngs. Let’s reframe our past through God’s eyes – use it to help and encourage others! Be the Bible that people would not normally pick up to read, be Jesus-like to people that would not go to church for fear being ridiculed and rejected again.
Personally, reading what Liz wrote about living in harmony has encouraged me to use my God-given talents and personality to follow His direction for my life more; recognizing He is already working where He leads me!
Hope all this makes sense and if it does not, ask God for His perspective – He loves to share His what He is doing. He invites us to join Him in His work and we can when we recognize Jesus is our example and Saviour.
I really enjoyed this message today! I love, love, love sending cards as a way to Love, Encourage, and show Compassion for others! I wrote down the list of 10 ways to Help One Another but I think what struck me the most was at the end of your prayer … “Let Your love be our motivation and Your Word be our constant inspiration.” You have a gift! Thank you!
Thank you for the lovely message and all the pretty pictures. I am going to try very hard this week to encourage others.
I am reminded to encourage others daily!
Encouraging others isn’t something I should do just when I feel like it. Or to those of my choising. I should be an encouragement to everyone all the time
I love this list – thank you so much for posting it. The pictures are beautiful!
Hospitality: something I love to experience, but still have a hard time practicing. Every time I come across this in the Bible or someone points it out in their teaching, it convicts me. Of course, this is only one point I need the Holy Spirit to help me with!
This is a great set! I love how you put them all together. I feel I need to write these out and put them all over my house to memorize and live out!!
Thank you!!
I love lists too and am great full for your approach to the “one anothers” which is refreshing and applicable to me today! Thank you Liz and God Bless you!
“…vivid picture of someone who walks close beside you and calls out encouraging words.” Heb. 13:3 This was my favorite word picture of the study.
Dear Liz,
Thanks for the lovely list of “do’s” versus “shall not’s”. It is a wonderful reminded that God meant for us to be in community versus walking on this side alone. He even gave us His Holy Spirit so we will never be alone. I love the reminder from Hebrews 13:3 to “encourage one another daily”, as you said “every day…as long as there is still time” (NIRV). We do not know how long we will walk the Earth so we need to live each day fully for His glory.
“Harmony doesn’t mean singing the same note. It means singing different notes at the same time to create a harmonious sound.”
I am pondering this as I am such a pleaser, which the Lord has exposed as pride. I think I flatter to keep harmony, rather than encourage to build a sweet sound to the Lord. I pray that I will genuinely encourage for someone else’s sake and for the Lord’s glory.
“Encourage one another daily.” Hebrews 3:13 this is the one another i share with many of my friends. Look forward to being encouraged daily in 2 weeks when we are in the Low Lands with Liz.
I have learned over the years that I am a great listener even though sometimes I don’t feel like I am one. Reading this list has reminded me to be thankful for who I am and to continue through life being who GOD wants me to be, not what everyone else wants me to be!
Ephesians 4:15 Speaking the truth in love, when I feel like I should be still. This is a delicate balance, coming from a family who was taught to not say what’s on our minds. Praying for wisdom to guide me.
I feel like God has really been reminding me that he calls us to love everyone. That’s something that I’ve been trying to remember and to really put on my heart.
Thank you for this great post!
Interesting that the Old Testament big 10 are Thou shalt not’s and the New Testament big 10 are Thou Shalt’s. What a huge difference the coming of Jesus Christ to earth to be one of us!
Hi Liz!
I’ve missed seeing and reading you in my inbox!
This is an awesome post of encouragement and I’m printing it out to save to read again and again!
Much love!
Great lesson–about “one another!” (not, me, myself, & I) In this self centered world, some days it is difficult to thing about others–yet, Jesus was always thinking about others! THANKS for a good word today!
It’s not about me! That is what I keep hearing from the Lord. He wants to bless those around me, but I keep getting in the way.
Dear Liz,
Thanks for this list that will remind me every day to follow Jesus’ example since He did these all perfectly. May God continue to bless your ministry.
I love this one another list! Jesus is amazing in how He directs our lives if we read and listen.
I love the way you put it into 10 one anothers and such good reminders of how to put others before ourselves. I especially need to be more loving and accepting of others. What I learned was I need to be spurring others on to good works. Love your books – fiction and non fiction! Thank you for this study!
As a music director, I loved #3, live in harmony with one another. It brought to mind a person that I just can’t relate to, but that we are sisters in the Lord and that makes us blood relatives…….the Lord nudged me that is something I need to work on, to live in harmony and singing different parts in a harmonious sound. That kind of sound is pleasing to the Lord and that is what I want to do, please Him!
Thank you, Liz, for your beautiful spirit. Your messages truly inspire me and help me.
I’m sharing this list with the ladies in my Bible study. Have a happy Mother’s Day! You are an encourager to me!
Great Bible study topic! Thank you.
In reading this list of 10 it hit me how simple it is. If we obey the first two of the Ten Commandments, love God with all of our being and love others as ourselves, we are actually fulfilling all ten of these encouraging ways to others. I am in a group of encouragers called Fellowship of Encouragement and we have become a close knit sister group. Giving, helping or just helping someone cry is encouragement.
I was recently introduced to your blog and books at the BGCO Believe retreat at Falls Creek. What a story you shared and it really lit a fire in me to unpack my burdens and shame. Now I am trying to understand how God wants me to use my past to educate, encourage, and grow women that are faced with similar struggles in today’s world. Thank you for speaking at the Women’s conference. You are an inspiration!
I am in a place/season where I’m fairly isolated, but have learned that I can be an encourager — through prayer for others, through a word of contact, through e-mail, Facebook, snail mail. I am trying to be intentionally “connective” with others. Thanks for this encouraging reminder. Bless you.
A beautiful reminder to love & honor others, as God loves & honors is.
“Harmony doesn’t mean singing the same note. It means singing different notes at the same time to create a harmonious sound.” Ooh, this is such a loud theme in my life lately! I’ve been attending a small community that reads and discusses the Bible together, and everyone comes from such different places that it would be easy to discount them and form sides. But wow, the things I learn when I am open to those who think differently than me and when I seek to love those that frustrate me!
Love the list & the cards. I love sending people cards to encourage & brighten their day!
We hosted every holiday and occasion in our family this year. I’m tired, can’t lie. The rule about hospitality really refreshed me. Thx
I see this as the GODLY GOALS for my life!
I needed the reminder of each one on the list. I do try to love, honor, encourage, pray for everyone who comes into my life. But lately it seems like life is getting in the way! Refocusing my priorities and asking for a servant attitude!
What joyful reminders! Thank you for these reminders of how we should behave. I love the different translations combined to make the point.
It’s so important, when encouraging one another that we don’t sound like we are lecturing.. Be as kind as possible, people can be so fragile.
God showed me that accepting one another is my area to work on as well as accepting myself. I am not perfect so when I err, it is better to be honest and realize a better way to understand the task or issue. He also made me realize that I have knowledge that I can use to teach others doing it formally in a training class or informally in my daily work and in my role in my family.
The pastor at my son’s church devoted many weeks at the beginning of this year talking about some of the “anothers” you discuss here. I was blessed every time I visited that church and heard how MUCH Jesus said about “doing for another!
I’m an Old Fashioned Encourager, preferring to send cards rather than texts or emails. I’d love to have a box of the cards you’re so graciously giving away. Thanks, Liz!
I love what you said about “it’s not what you serve but who you serve.” I am always too worried about appearances, and having a clean house and good food. Those things keep me from inviting people over more often.
I have a friend who is having health issues and while I’ve been thinking and praying for her, this made me realize I have to Do something to encourage her also. Off to get flowers and write a card……
I’m so thankful toJesus for allowing our paths to cross, I truly believe that he does or allows things to happen for his reasons . And by the way after reading this , I finally got what it means to submit, ♡ya
I have a dear friend who in the last 10 days has begun to ‘walk’ the journey with her mom to heaven’s gates. It’s been difficult for her as she is the closest child [she has 4 other siblings not near] to deal daily with this journey. I have tried to reach out to her in the ways I can to show compassion for her situation. You see, in November 2012, I walked with my own Mom to her ‘homecoming’ – at age 95 she spent the last 12 days of her life in hospice as she had been able to be in her own home [she had un-diagnosed kidney cancer – she died exactly 6 weeks after the original diagnosis]. She was ready to meet our Lord as my friend’s mom is.
I feel so deeply for my friend as we’ve share many of life’s “ups and downs” in our almost 40 year friendship. I am realizing that Mother’s Day is approaching, and that may well be the day He calls her mom home. My heart aches for her.
I don’t generally use any of the social media – Twitter, Facebook, etc., but I do enjoy your writings because they focus on spiritual growth rather than social chatterings.
Re: Your list of positive thinking in the NT compared to the OT Commandments expressed negatively was interesting. It also shows the difference of maturity (or at least the current level of knowledge of the Lord) since the revelation of God through Jesus.
For example, anyone who has had the care of a two-year-old knows to instruct the two-year-old, “Don’t go out in the street,” usually in a stern voice. But we will warn a three-year-old, “Be careful when you cross the street. Take hold of my hand.” (A different level of understanding.) The 10 Commandments are really given in a loving voice, “Don’t hurt yourselves.” In both cases, there are possible dangers. Just as many two-year-olds can run out in the street, but only a few will be injured, there generally are consequences for breaking the Ten Commandments, maybe on a physical level, but always on a spiritual level.)
You may post this if you choose. Blessings to you for turning on Christ’s light for many to see better. In His love, Leta Renich
Love the list, thank you.?
#10 speaks to me, Encourage everyone DAILY…..
When i wake up I thank God for my day, pray and get on FB, look for as many devotionals and scriptures I can find and post them, praying they will help encourage someone, shut face book down, get my hubby off too work, then sit for my quiet time???
Thank you for sharing ways to help others. I liked the phrase it is not what you serve but who you serve that matters. I get so caught up if my house is in order for others to see but I need to be real and hospitable no matter what things look like around here!
This is awesome! My son’s karate instructor chose “how May we help you?” as the class theme for the month. I’m sharing this with her. Thanks so much.
Submit to one another means to put others first…..that is a great way to remember this. Thank you Liz!
Please come to Wausau WI so I can hear you speak!!! 🙂
This list is such a good reminder. I may share it with a ladies’ huddle group I facilitate. (We laughed and learned through Very Bad Girls this winter and they wanted to “keep going,” so we are using The Girl’s Still Got It, and already have Unveiling Mary Magdalene waiting when we finish!) Oops …back to the one another list.
The MSG version of honoring another above yourself/playing second fiddle, jumped out at me because I am a violinist, who has been a “second fiddle”/second chair player. So I began to think about that time. I had auditioned for first chair, but earned second chair. It was at first disappointing. As a believer, I had hoped for first chair, but accepted the Lord wanted me there for his reasons. In that seat, I learned so much from the first chair player. I became a support as we worked on passages and led section rehearsals. If she had to be absent, her role fell to me, so I gained experience and confidence. And in the joy of the work we did together, I gained a good friend; she later played at my wedding! Yes, being humbled and in second place, honoring another because she was a better player, made me a better player and a better person. I now try to remember that in obeying this “command,” the Lord will actually honor me with unexpected “blissins”- awesome.
OH Liz, Hospitality is about who we serve…. I need that reminder every day, and you put it so succinctly. I’m going to print this post out and slip it into my Bible so that I can remind myself daily! Thank You and enjoy Scotland!
Liz! Another fine reading! I look so forward to sitting down and reading your viewpoint on things. You give me such an amazing amount of gratitude! Thank you for always having just the right thing to say!!
I’m a list-maker, too, Liz. But the lists I make daily are usually tasks I need to do. Thank you so much for your list of ways to encourage others in this devotional. I enjoyed reading this list and will print and put up on my bulletin board as a reminder. Because this list is not one of “chores”. It is something wonderful we can do for each other that really isn’t hard to do if we are a believer in Christ. It’s a list of ways we can thank God while doing something that pleases Him. I’m a mother of two daughters who are each married, living out of town with their own families. God has brought several young women to mind at my church who need the encouragement of a Mom who’s kids are raised to lift a hand as they climb the hill of Motherhood. What I do is easy; God gives me the verses to share, words of encouragement to say, and it has fostered intergenerational relationship within the church – something we don’t see much of today. I’m thankful for Dayspring cards too as I use them often to send for birthdays and other occasions. May God bless you, your ministry, and your family as you celebrate this Mothers Day.
Hi, Liz, it is wonderful to meet you. I saw your photo in the Meet the (in)courage Contributors after reading a delightful daily devotional by Anna Rendell. She looked so “young” in her photo, I wondered if there was anyone who wrote for “(in)courage” who was closer to my age (I’m 66 and must be way older than even you.) However, there you were with your glorious smile and I was immediately drawn to you. Reading about you and then reading your 10 Ways to Help One Another resonated with me so much. I’ve just recently lost my best friend and only sibling, my brother, Lee, to a horrific two-year war with prostate cancer that metastasized to every bone in his body for the most outrageous pain I have ever had to witness. I have had a dear church family of amazing disciples for 20 years and many, many close friends in the church. Like you, I am known as the encourager, as Barnabas before us, and manage a Prayer Warriors list with 60 subscribers who have all committed to immediately praying for any urgent need and continually praying at least once a day for all of those on our new, as well as long-term, needs. Today, after my Quiet Time and introduction to you, I found God saying, “You need a new friend; write to Liz.” So here I am, Liz. Do you need a new friend, too? I would like to encourage you as you have encouraged me and perhaps we could share some of our deeper thoughts at times. Often, God gives me insight to Scripture that others say have profound impact on their lives as they encounter various life challenges. That is so humbling to me that God might choose me to help someone else. Thank you so much for your heart and your love for others. It shows in that glorious smile that is so welcoming and comforting as it shines the light of Christ to all. Have a Son-shiny day! — Dot
What a delightful way to encourage! Who doesn’t love to receive a handwritten note of encouragement! These will help me to carry out my intent to reach out to others more, using the gift of words to bless another.
I know that if God says to do these things, He will HELP US to accomplish them. Thanks, Liz!
A lovely reminder! You are such an encourager! Hope you have a lovely day! Blessings, Sharon
Accepting others is probably the hardest one for me. And that is odd, because I want to be accepted so badly by others. More prayer and study is needed. Thank you for this list.
Loved this! I appreciate your writing style. Beautifully done. 🙂
Life lessons, hard to miss! And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden!